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Jamie Roberts March 14th, 2008 01:05 AM

My work flow to SD from 50i HDV and sample
Hi there

I have been reading a fair bit about down converting from HDV to standard DV without losing too much quality and, as I own a HDR-FX1E and DONT own a High definition TV, I am very interested in having a work flow that maintains as much quality as possible after rendering to SDV MPG2 and DVD output.

I like to deinterlace and use my FX1 for several genres. I use Sony Vegas7 and swear by it! Here is what I have come up that I like the look of very much!

1. shoot in 16:9 HDV interlaced with sharp set to 12. Im NOT using either cinematone or CineFrame (tried it and opted not to use).

2. I capture to HDV to PC using CAPDvhs (really seems to preserve qiuality)

3. I have purchased DV Film maker and use the 'deinterlace' option and render using canopusHQ codec.

4. Use files in vegas/ color correct etc and then render out using Architect DV widescreen template with field order set to progressive.

4. Medium framed shots I use a light unsharp mask but close ups I leave as is.

This appears to really hang onto a great looking file to my eyes.

I have converted a short sample to wmv and can be downloaded here:


I had files rendered to mpeg2, put back into vegas and rendered out as the wmv file. Have a look (its about 19mb) and see what you think!



Simon Denny March 14th, 2008 01:27 AM

Hi Jamie,
I cant seem to access yor file?
Whats "I capture to HDV to PC using CAPDvhs"
I use vegas 7 & also 8.... i think the capture in Vegas is great and have never had a problem with quality loss
I have had a few problems getting a good work flow and now seen to be getting here slowly.
I like Veags and was about to switch to a Mac but having spent so much time with Vegas i will stick it out for a while.


Jamie Roberts March 14th, 2008 02:01 AM

Hi Simon

Sorry this is the link


What I meant was when I capture the video onto my PC computer, I keep the video as HDV and use a free software program called CapDVHS.

I have had my FX1 for a while and have really noticed the quality loss when both downconverting in camera, attempting to down convert using various software methods etc. I had read a bit about DVFilm maker and finally wen ahead and bought it after having a look at the demo. This a fairly cheap (about $145) and really helps with conversion. I am using the canopus codec but think you could easily use the free 'huffy' codec which creates fairly large files but is lossless.

Vegas is very professional piece of software but a dream to learn and use!



Simon Denny March 14th, 2008 02:18 AM

The best work flow for downconvert for me i have found is.
Record HD, capture HD in Vegas, edit CC etc... in Vegas and then render to mpeg-2 in Vegas using 2 pass VBR
This after many hours of testing has given me the best looking SD DVD that i can achieve.
Rules that i use.
Record HD to get SD.
Make sure of plenty of light.
Watch for focus.


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