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Laila Silva August 4th, 2010 02:39 PM

Hdv hr 1000 u focus problems on low light
I recently filmed a wedding in a very dark place. I have a light that mounts into the camera. I was about 15 feet from the bride and right when she threw the bouquet the camera went out of focus and the focus was on auto after that ittook about 15 seconds to get focus. Has this happened to anyone else. Any tips?


Kren Barnes August 4th, 2010 03:42 PM

Welcome to the forum Laila..

Yup happened to us in the beginning...basically the problem was our video light was not strong enough for the cam to pick up the subject and properly focus...you can try using the manual focus but if its not properly lighted, you will see horrible pixelations....the solution for us was buying a 2000 watt lighting kit that sits on a 10 ft. stand with soft box and diffuser..problem solved:)


Noa Put August 9th, 2010 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by Laila Silva (Post 1555534)
Any tips?

When it gets realy dark (and if you don't have any additional light to add) set your camera to manual focus, zoom in completely on your subject and adjust focus accordingly and zoom out again. As long as the distance between you and your subject remains the same you can zoom in or out without going out of focus, even when the light would go out almost completely. In very dark places that's about the only way to assure that you have and keep critical focus. Never, ever trust auto focus in these situations...

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