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-   -   Bottom Loading workaround? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-hvr-a1-hdr-hc-series/58164-bottom-loading-workaround.html)

Paul Kepen January 12th, 2006 08:02 PM

Bottom Loading workaround?
I've tried the search, but couldn't find it. I know awhile ago I read a thread about a quick on/off tripod mount that would enable you to get to the bottom loading tape drive of the HC-1 rather easily. Does any one remember it? There was a link to some items at B&H. I'm leaving for a trip in 2 weeks and would like to get one before I go. Thanks for the Help:)

R.P. Cuenco January 12th, 2006 08:05 PM

check this thread http://dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=53249
second post down

Laurence Kingston January 12th, 2006 09:03 PM

This is what you need:


Made and sold by a guy on this group. The construction is top notch and the cut out is exactly the right shape for the HC-1 or A1. I have one and it stays on the camera all the time.

Min Lee January 17th, 2006 05:54 AM

anyone tried this with a beachtek? Or can measure the distances from the tripod hole to the edge?


Jeff DeMaagd January 18th, 2006 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Min Lee
anyone tried this with a beachtek? Or can measure the distances from the tripod hole to the edge?

Do you mean is the Beachtek DXA-2s?

I checked the dimensions on their site, I think it would work fine.

Unfortunately, I don't have many of these finished parts on hand. I am making another batch, which I hope will be done within a week. I just found a new one set aside that isn't listed, so for one lucky person that can't wait a week, I can send that out any time.

Laurence Kingston January 18th, 2006 09:39 PM

You know, the bottom loading solution could become something more: a bottom loading offset/beachtek/mic-mount would be pretty darned cool!

Min Lee January 19th, 2006 12:10 AM

I agree. I would like to see an offset/rod system for matte box or 35mm adapters.

Jeff DeMaagd January 20th, 2006 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Laurence Kingston
You know, the bottom loading solution could become something more: a bottom loading offset/beachtek/mic-mount would be pretty darned cool!

I already have something in the works that can do something like this, though the Beachtek would simply be treated as a tripod accessory, and is also a vertical rise rather than side offset. It wouldn't be specific to a particular product, any tripod compatible accessory should work with it. I hope to have a pilot run for comments the end of next week.

One thing I didn't ask is whether the Beachtek itself can bolt to a tripod, that would be important.

Edit: I watched the video on their site, showed what I needed to know, and the answer is yes.

Mike Wade January 27th, 2006 10:16 AM

Out of stock
The tripod spacer adaptor is still out of stock on the ebay site. Anyone any idea when there will be more in ?

Jeff DeMaagd January 27th, 2006 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Mike Wade
The tripod spacer adaptor is still out of stock on the ebay site. Anyone any idea when there will be more in ?


I should have more on or before Friday, Feb 3. Thank you.


edit: corrected date.

Jeff DeMaagd February 1st, 2006 09:17 AM

New model
Images of prototype of new model:
sitting on table
on tripod

The prototype is uncoated, bare aluminum, the real product is powder coated black. In actual use, I think it's surprisingly nice. The only time I take it off is for test fitting my other adapter models.

I made this version because people with larger tripod heads where having some trouble getting my main version to work. Shown is the version with an accessory mount, I will offer a version without that as well. The accessory mount accepts the Canon SA-1 (shown in first picture), Bescor VB-50 (shown in second picture) and similar shoe mount adapters that would normally screw into the tripod mount hole.

I should have this and more of the standard thin plate version up for sale and ready to ship tonight or tomorrow.

Patricia Lamm February 9th, 2006 04:55 PM

I just received Jeff's newly designed adapter, the one with the accessory mount.
It works nicely with my larger tripod head and it's extremely well-made. I can also see where there are advantages to keeping the camera on it even when not using a tripod, since the camera is very stable sitting on the adapter as a base. Nice job, Jeff!

David Saraceno February 9th, 2006 05:44 PM

For sale on Ebay now.

Jeff DeMaagd February 9th, 2006 06:52 PM

Thanks for the kind words, Patricia, I am glad it works well for you.

The adapters have been listed for a week now, somehow I didn't think it was necessary to make a post.

I now have a slightly more formal page listing what I am currently selling, which is here:


Most of my selling is still through eBay because the web store front isn't finished, but I am trying to keep the links accurate.

Alexander Karol February 10th, 2006 12:39 AM

Jeff, truly amazing. You have saved me from a pain-in-the-butt routine. I will tell the world about you! :)

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