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-   -   Found HDR-HC1 VIDEO CLIP (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-hvr-a1-hdr-hc-series/46273-found-hdr-hc1-video-clip.html)

Jung Kyu June 15th, 2005 02:26 PM



http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/av/do...5/samp1_hd.wmv HD file

Radek Svoboda June 16th, 2005 07:05 AM

I can't play this. Can someone check it and comment, please.


Mike Farrington June 16th, 2005 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Radek Svoboda
I can't play this. Can someone check it and comment, please.

I'm no expert, but I thought it looked quite nice for a consumer-level HD camcorder. I'm sorry I can't give you more than that, I'm out of my element here when it comes to assessing about video quality.

Sadly, the 66MB video clip was only 853x480. I would really like to see the full resolution.

I just noticed that the links in the original post have changed from two .MPG files (8MB and 66MB) to a single .WMV file (86MB). I'll comment further on the 86MB version when it finished its download.


Pierre Barberis June 16th, 2005 08:17 AM

No HD in the "test" files ...
Here is what PVA Strumentro diagnosed on the "original" .mpg files
They do NOT look at all original, but look like SD recorded in MPG !!
And indeed they did not look that great...but colors looked ok ? in spite of ONE CMOS ??

Found 1 video stream.
Found 1 MPEG audio stream.

Resolution 720 x 480
Aspect ratio is 16:9
Frame rate 29.97 fps
Nominal bitrate 7620000 bps
First PTS: 00:00:00.900

MPEG1, Layer 2
stereo, sampled at 48.0 kHz.
Bitrate 256 kbps
Each frame contains 24.0 ms audio (768 bytes)
First PTS: 00:00:00.900

Ronan Fournier June 16th, 2005 10:34 AM

This sample offers a 1440x1080 resolution (84MB).

You should "save the target as" because it's a looooong download, but's it's impressive even if it's not as beautifull as the FX1's samples.

Mike Farrington June 16th, 2005 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Pierre Barberis
Resolution 720 x 480
Aspect ratio is 16:9
Frame rate 29.97 fps
Nominal bitrate 7620000 bps
First PTS: 00:00:00.900

Phew. And I thought I was losing my mind. I saw 853x480 resolution on my work PC, but 720x480 on my home PC. I wasn't going to mention anything, just in case my memory was failing me. 853x480 is 16:9, but 720x480 is not 16:9. I don't know, perhaps the source file was corrected between the time I downloaded it at work and downloaded it at home. I won't know for sure unless I do a byte-for-byte file comparison. Either the files were changed, or I have some sort of codec issue at home that would falsely report 720x480.

Mike Farrington June 16th, 2005 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Ronan Fournier
[...]it's impressive even if it's not as beautifull as the FX1's samples.

I agree. I don't think anybody is expecting the FX1's superb quality out of the HC1. For its price and size, it looks like a great compromise.

Mike Farrington June 16th, 2005 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Ronan Fournier
This sample offers a 1440x1080 resolution (84MB).

I'm confused. Can somebody help me? I downloaded this video clip, and it claims to be 1440x1080 (viewing its properties in WMP10), yet when I play it, it is clearly only 1280x720.

I have plenty of other clips, from FX1, that display 1440x1080. Why is this one only 1280x720 on screen?

Edit: Upon further inspection, it looks like the clip is letterboxed. I cannot expand the width because I am limited by the height. What a pain.

Michal Laskowski June 16th, 2005 02:56 PM

Hi all.
It looks like videos were post-processed (in WMV Encoder?) by unsqueezing to 1920x1080, then deinterlaced (or maybe they were shoot allready in CineFrame mode?) and resized to 1440x810 with adding top and bottom black bars - resulting in 1440x1080. This samples doesn't show the whole potential of the camcorder I think.
The available samples for FX1 (e.g. at hd-channel.com) are deinterlaced using one of the best known algorithm and without changing resolution.
But as you mentioned it won't be probably FX1 quality, but maybe a bit better than those sample - although it's allready good :)


Michael Pappas June 18th, 2005 10:39 AM

<<<The available samples for FX1 (e.g. at hd-channel.com) are deinterlaced using one of the best known algorithm and without changing resolution.>>>>

What best known de-interlacer are you referring too?

Michal Laskowski June 21st, 2005 11:39 AM

I can't find the info now at hd-channel.com, but when I was looking through sites with FX1 samples there was mentioned ReelSmart FieldsKit plugin or Magic Bullet. If you are interested in deinterlacing look also at free plugins for avisynth - the best is using motion interpolating algorithm.


Michael Pappas June 21st, 2005 05:47 PM

Thanks Michal Laskowski!

Wayne Morellini June 21st, 2005 11:52 PM

I am having trouble playing back the HD clip, it goes for a split second or so than pauses and all I get is the audio track. It could be the Duron 1300 (then I should get lots of chop) but have played back native HD10 clips, no problem. Any suggestions?


Pierre Barberis June 22nd, 2005 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Michael Pappas
What best known de-interlacer are you referring too?

I have tried two deinterlacing plugins, to work on my FX1 footage.

The first one is the one embedded in the CineForm Aspect HD. From Premiere pro you can Export Movie in the wavelet based .avi format , and ask for the video to be deinterlaced with the help on some checkbox in the Video Rendering panel. The result is excellent, although you have absolutely no choice of any parameters.

I also tried the FIeldsKit deinterlacer plugin from Vision Effects.


It can also be used from Premiere or from any AviSynth or similar program. You have a tremendous choice of parameters, providing effects and all.
As far as simply deinterlacing is concerned, the result seem on par with the Cineform deinterlacing, or may be (very) slightly better if you take time to fine tune depending upon th enature of your footage. The counterpart is a higher rendering time...
Worth trying to make your own mind...

Darren Kelly June 25th, 2005 01:11 PM

The clip - the full size one doesn't exist anymore. Maybe he got too much traffic and the server shut him down.


Mike Farrington June 25th, 2005 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Darren Kelly
The clip - the full size one doesn't exist anymore. Maybe he got too much traffic and the server shut him down.

I just checked it and it works for me.

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