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Pete Schwab March 3rd, 2008 11:08 AM

Footage shot on ye olde A1U

Captured in FCP 6, then composited, time stretched and goofed around with in AE CS3. I didn't do any color correction although i did add the vignette lighting filter. Compressed in compressor then delivered to youtube. Hope you enjoy.

Jason Donaldson March 18th, 2008 08:33 PM

Hey Pete, that's pretty neat...how did you get the bottle to move like that?

Sean Hsieh March 23rd, 2008 07:53 PM

correct me if I'm wrong, but there was definitely some photoshop stretching and distortion applied to a certain amount of frames, and then cut back together in a NLE? I'm not sure if AE could've applied this this w/ a mask or not.

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