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Yung Mah January 9th, 2008 03:07 PM

HDR-HC7 Discontinued
Is there going to be a replacement? or do you think Sony is going away from the minidv format?

David Stoneburner January 9th, 2008 03:51 PM

I believe that they announced an HDR-HC9 at CES. It' my understanding that it was the only tape based camera that they had out of a lot of other memory based cameras. I saw some pictures. It looks improved a little.

Dave Blackhurst January 9th, 2008 04:34 PM

HC9 = HC7 in black, with a couple minor changes. I think they added the ability to spot focus and expose at the same time, which is a nice feature. Looked to me like they added a "hood" of sorts to the front to change the look, otherwise specs and features and likely performance are the same.

I guess you could say the HC7 isn't "discontinued", just "re-introduced" in a sexy new dress!

It's likely that the MiniDV in the consumer space is going to be the "vestigial tail". I think it will be supported, but not likely developed a whole lot more. Looks to me like all the development from ALL the majors is going to the flash memory/HDD space.

I like the little CX7 quite a lot, just for size and convenience, so I can see where the end user is going to eat up the small flash memory cameras, and one flash memory stick probably makes a whole lot more profit than that pack of tapes!

I'm just wondering where the "CX9" and the "FX9" are?

I like the specs on the new hybrid cams, bigger screen and better manual control, but could care less about having a HDD to deal with (I believe you can shut the HD off), and I see the low light ratings are worse, so not sure if these are "progress". Will be interesting to see in person!

Jack Zhang January 9th, 2008 09:32 PM

I'm still curious about that "Mechanical Shutter" that's mentioned on the SonyStyle site. Is it marketing ploys or is the shutter system actually different on this one?

Pat Reddy January 9th, 2008 11:18 PM

I believe I just saw the HC-7 still listed for sale on the Sonystyle site. What makes you think it has been dicontinued?


Dave Blackhurst January 10th, 2008 12:56 AM

It's very likely that the HC7 will be phased out as the HC9 is nearly identical, unless Sony plans to offer silver and black as color choices... which I doubt. The HC9 will no doubt come off the same assembly line as the 7, with a few minor tweaks and changes.

The manual for the HC9 is already up, but the camera won't be available for a month or so.

Yung Mah January 10th, 2008 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Blackhurst (Post 805989)
It's very likely that the HC7 will be phased out as the HC9 is nearly identical, unless Sony plans to offer silver and black as color choices... which I doubt. The HC9 will no doubt come off the same assembly line as the 7, with a few minor tweaks and changes.

The manual for the HC9 is already up, but the camera won't be available for a month or so.

I placed an order for the HDR-HC7 from my local store, a couple days later, they informed me that it has been discontinued.

I emailed another supplier:


This model is discontinued, but at the moment we still have some available in our channels. They will go quickly in all likelihood, so I would suggest that we get an order placed quickly.

I emailed him back, and told him I wait till the new one comes out.

It's no rush, for me to buy one, I have a HVR-Z1U, I just wanted one so I can take on holidays, and get a underwater video hosuing for it. HVR is just to big for holidays.

Ray Wesley January 23rd, 2008 09:36 PM

HC7 still available

Steve Leverich January 25th, 2008 12:35 AM

Looks to me like one of the "minor" changes was to raise the price about $100 in order to pay for removing almost ALL manual control options :=(( Steve

Dave Blackhurst January 25th, 2008 12:54 AM


The HC9 is priced lower than the HC7 listed at and according to the manual appears to have all the same features, plus a few new ones, like spot focus and exposure being available on one screen, center marker, and peaking... and a lens hood.

The HC7 isn't a manual monster, but the HC9 didn't lose any functionality, and the HC7 isn't bad.

Ray Wesley January 25th, 2008 07:52 AM

HC7 vs. HC9
Been waiting for this announcement as this time last year Sony announced the HC5 and HC7.
So I was curious as to whether I would be upgrading for the 3rd year in the row as far as HD cams go (HC3 to HC7 to HC9 ? ). I like the look of the HC9 as it is real close to my HC7 but it looks to me as though the few extras aren't worth getting rid of a cam I am already real happy with, but to each his own I could change my mind after some more exploration or get it and keep both the HC7 and HC9..

Dave Robinson January 25th, 2008 08:36 AM


I believe this is a picture of an HC9. Only one I could find though so it could be taken with a pinch of salt. Does look like the HC7 with a hood though.

Dave Blackhurst January 25th, 2008 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Ray Wesley (Post 814074)
Been waiting for this announcement as this time last year Sony announced the HC5 and HC7.
So I was curious as to whether I would be upgrading for the 3rd year in the row as far as HD cams go (HC3 to HC7 to HC9 ? ). I like the look of the HC9 as it is real close to my HC7 but it looks to me as though the few extras aren't worth getting rid of a cam I am already real happy with, but to each his own I could change my mind after some more exploration or get it and keep both the HC7 and HC9..

yup, the "upgrade" path isn't very big here... barely a step, and definitely not a jump. The HC9 looks sexy in black (back to the HC1 look!?), but it's sure not a "gotta have" if you've got the HC7 and are happy with it. Make a nice #2 cam though if you have and like the HC7 since the controls will be 99% the same!

This was the year they are pushing the AVCHD/flash memory cams, the tape stuff was almost an afterthought... like "shouldn't we do something with last years cam so we can show something new"? "Hey, lets make it BLACK!!!" "GENIUS!!"... Miller time...

Steve Leverich January 25th, 2008 11:21 PM

Dave, I was going by B&H prices/info (which have been known to contain errors) - they have the HC7 @ $975 and the HC9 @ $1100 - in the spec section, the 7 shows Manual Controls - Zoom, White Balance, Shutter Speed, Iris, Focus, Mic Level

While the HC9 shows Manual Controls - Focus

As I mentioned, I've seen other B&H specs quoted wrong and I've not seen the actual HC9 manual - I'll hunt it down, thanks for the heads up... Steve

Steve Leverich January 25th, 2008 11:35 PM

Dave, just went looking for a manual for the HDR-HC9 on sony's site, and came up empty - only found "marketing specifications", which don't mention ANYTHING about any manual modes. Any chance you have a link to the manual you found? I'd appreciate it... Steve

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