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David Stembridge March 23rd, 2011 02:28 PM

"Preview unsupported for this format" - FCP
Is this just due to the MT2 format? Any way to enable this? I guess it may not be a biggie...
Just wondering!

Michael Liebergot March 25th, 2011 10:21 AM

Re: "Preview unsupported for this format" - FCP
How are you bringing in the footage form the MRC1K?

If you are simply trying to import them from directly from the MRC1K, or by transferring from the MRC1K to drive and then import to FCP, this won't work. As you would have to rewrap the files from the MRC1K in a Quicktime .mov wrapper. A simple way to do this is with a program like ClipWrap.

All it does is rewrap the .M2T file in a QT wrapper, it doesn't transcode the footage at all so it's very fast. Of course you can also transcode the footage in Clipwrap or use Log and Transfer in FCP to do this as well.

BTW, if you use Log and Transfer in FCP, make sure that you keep the folder structure excatly like it is on the card, or FCP won't recognize it.

Mark Joseph May 11th, 2011 05:56 AM

Re: "Preview unsupported for this format" - FCP

Originally Posted by Michael Liebergot (Post 1631553)
BTW, if you use Log and Transfer in FCP, make sure that you keep the folder structure excatly like it is on the card, or FCP won't recognize it.

You seemed to miss his point in the subject line - FCP log & transfer does not support playback preview of clips when examining HDV clips. It's a real pain which precludes accurately marking portions of clips to save HD space for the QT online media.

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