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Brian Bang Jensen July 6th, 2006 02:25 PM

My charger has the 4 pin XLR output and I will definitely get a cable for file transferee.

Hopes the 12V 50 Watt output is enough!

Simon Wyndham July 6th, 2006 02:30 PM

Hmm. I've never had a problem with FAM transfer on the 510 even when the battery is down to 10%. I'm using AB Dionic 90's.

Brian Bang Jensen July 6th, 2006 03:23 PM

It is strange the battery has the power, but it is not enough for the camera to transfer trough FAM.

The li-ion cells has a nominal voltage of 3,7V that is 14,8V on our packs.
Newly charged they can go up to 4,2V pr cell, meaning 16,8V on the tab.
They drop dead just under 3V around 12V for the pack.
If the individual cell is discharged below 2,8V, 11,2V on the pack, they will suffer severe damage, and maybe go beyond the point, where they can be recovered, no charging is possible!

Dropping below 2,8V should not be possible though, because of the electronic built in the battery pack, this electronic also takes care of balancing the cells on charge, so that they is charged to exactly the same voltage, which also is a vital factor.

Discharging a LI-ION battery, can be done with several C,
so it is possible to draw far beyond 130 Watt form my 130 Watt packs.
The camera is stated to draw around 30W, so this should not be the problem.
There could be a watt limiter, build into the electronic within the battery or camera.

I have an advanced charger discharger, for an other purpose, when time comes, I will try to stress my battery packs, to se if they drop in voltage to soon, or the limiter cuts.
My expectation isn’t, that I find a malfunction in the battery. If there were the voltage should also drop in the display on the camera, when transferring files, which it doesn’t.

In my situation, the F330 does not function properly, connected to firewire, when the battery is down to, or just below, the nominal voltage.

The conclusion to this must be:
Using battery supply for file transferee, is only a temporary solution and only on a freshly charged battery.

Simon Wyndham July 6th, 2006 03:26 PM

Which batteries are you using?

I'd recommend XDCAM owners also join the http://xdcam.com.au site. Clive Canon, the New Zealand product manager takes part there and knows these cameras inside out. So it might be as well to post your problem over there as well.

Brian Bang Jensen July 6th, 2006 03:47 PM

I am using PRO-X 130Watt packs, but as I stated. I don’t think the batteries is the problem.

Batteries can deliver power = Watt to the point where the voltages drops under load.
If the voltage stays up, the load is under the battery limit.
My batteries does not fall under load, but only over time, which is normal.
Overloading can be seen, if the voltage drops heavily, just a few moments after you have connected them.

I will take a look at the XDCAM site.

Daniel Moreno October 12th, 2006 01:45 AM

I have had problems with file tranfer using a 330 camcorder an my laptop. It appears that arifacts appear on the video files also if my laptop's battery is low. I tried to transfer some files today using FAM mode and a fresh full loaded battery on the camera. Artifacts still appeared. I pluged my laptop to an outlet, transfered them again and the artifacts were gone!

Alister Chapman October 12th, 2006 03:14 PM

There are issues with the F330 and F350 with batteries approaching being flat. I know of a user that has had problems with his camera not recording correctly at low voltages. Maybe there is a current spike at some part of the record/playback process that is enough to pull the battery voltage down to too low a voltage, but is a transient spike so dosn't trip the low batt alarm. LI-ION batts are more prone to this as they have very limited high current/surge capacity.

Simon Wyndham October 12th, 2006 03:21 PM


In fact because the XDCAM's power spike is so high Anton Baeur recomended to me to use the big Hytron battery rather than Dionic 90's.

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