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Luc De Wandel October 19th, 2010 02:10 AM

Writing XDCAM-HD clip to HDV tape?
A customer of mine wants his high-definition clip, recorded in XDCAM-HD delivered on an HDV-tape.
In FCP, I cannot do this directly. Does anyone know a way around to write XDCAM (or Prores-) clips to HDV tape?

Luc De Wandel October 19th, 2010 05:49 AM

Found the solution in the meantime. Export clip from FCP to QT movie with setting 'Apple Intermediate Codec'. Then import the QT movie in FCP again. Choose 'Write to video' and record on an HDV-tape in my Sony Z7. Works like a charm.

Uli Mors October 19th, 2010 08:15 PM

If you ever have the chance to use Vegas: You simply select the region to export to tape and go to "print to HDV tape" - Vegas prerenders the video as HDV1080 and records it to tape after.

Some interesting benefit: If the material is shot in XDCAM HD 420 SP there is no transrecoding process - since HDV and 420SP are same GOP and resolution (at 25mbits) - so the copy starts nearly instantly even with long videos.

If a customer asks for a HDV tape (and no 422) or "simple HD recordings" I usually use this way...

best regards


Luc De Wandel October 24th, 2010 03:09 PM

Thanks for this extra info, Uli. Always useful!

Rick L. Allen November 12th, 2010 06:48 AM

Or you could just import your XDCAM HD footage into an FCP HDV sequence, render and output to tape.

Luc De Wandel November 14th, 2010 12:46 PM

Allright, I'll give that a try too. Thanks everyone!

Rick L. Allen November 14th, 2010 02:23 PM

Also, if you have an XDCAM deck that has the optional card that allows transport (HDV) output via the firewire connector you could go directly from the XDHD deck to an HDV deck or camera.

Luc De Wandel November 14th, 2010 05:10 PM

I only have the PDW-U1 as a reader-writer. That doesn't work in this case, I presume.

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