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-   -   WOW! New Firmware Rocks! (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-eng-efp-shoulder-mounts/115915-wow-new-firmware-rocks.html)

Dan Brazda February 27th, 2008 06:01 PM

WOW! New Firmware Rocks!
Loving it! Will post some rather simplistic but exciting tests tomorrow (links to full-rez stills and video). In short- "Low Noise" is an awesome tool for us as we are often working in low light scenarios (documentary work). I always avoided gain of any amount before but now in tandem with Low Noise I wouldn't hesitate to use it. I got inspired and then started diving into the depths of the paint/matrix/gamma...etc... settings (also inspired by Uri- thanks invisible internet friend) and feel like I just got a new camera! I'm almost ready to retract any and all of my negative comments about the PDW-F350 but I'll take a breath before further testing. I will admit that I am #3203 in line for a Red One but that's for the really tasty stuff!

Thanks Sony- keep those updates coming.

Uli Mors February 28th, 2008 03:07 AM

I guess you are referring to me...

To avoid any misunderstandings:
I am not the author of these settings. Honors go to (as far as I can see) Chris Young, CYV Productions , Sidney.

He has posted these new "general" settings (for DCC Mode) on the xdcam.com.au forum.

I am very happy with it since these are the only settings distributed except those from Sony.

Kind regards


Paul Gale February 28th, 2008 04:24 AM

Hi Uli,

Could you do me a favour and post a link to those new settings - I couldn't find them on there.



Uli Mors February 28th, 2008 07:59 AM


3rd post.

Kind regards


Paul Gale February 28th, 2008 12:50 PM

Thanks Uli - any chance you can save out a file from your camera you'd be willing to share???

Otherwise I'll just have to enter them all manually ;)



Greg Boston February 28th, 2008 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Gale (Post 834718)
Thanks Uli - any chance you can save out a file from your camera you'd be willing to share???

Otherwise I'll just have to enter them all manually ;)



It's not that many entries Paul. Should take you all of two or three minutes. When finished, save the file so you can re-load later if necessary.


Uli Mors February 28th, 2008 01:53 PM


looks worse than it is - just have a try...



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