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Jon Gay February 11th, 2025 03:41 PM

Catalyst Browse And deleteing files
I have been using Catalyst Browse to view files then delete the files on SXS cards and XQD cards. About 2 months ago something changed. The files would be deleted but not the space on the card. The only way to reclaim the space is to reformat in the camera. I thought it might have had to do with an update to 2024.1.1
I reinstalled 2024.1.0 and it still happens. Any Ideas?

Doug Jensen February 11th, 2025 04:49 PM

Re: Catalyst Browse And deleteing files
First of all that, that is not the recommended workflow.

Step 1) Use your computer (Finder if you have a Mac) to copy everything inside the root folder on the SxS card to an SSD.
Step 2) Eject the memory card and keep it safe until you have done steps 3 - 4.
Step 3) Use Catalyst to review and delete any unwanted clips on your SSD.
Step 4) After you have deleted all the unwanted clips, make two backup copies of the root folder to two different HDDs or SSDs.
Step 5) Put the memory card back into your camera and reformat it. This resets everything on the card and gives you a clean fresh start for the next shoot.

That is the way the workflow is designed to work and it gives you a safety net in case you accidentally delete a file that you shouldn't have.

However, if you want to continue doing things your way, you could try using the Update Media menu after you put the card back into your camera. That might refresh the XML file and allow the unused space to be recognized. But I'm not 100% sure that will work. Never tired it because nobody is supposed to be using that workflow.

Larrie Easterly February 11th, 2025 11:13 PM

Re: Catalyst Browse And deleteing files
I do not use Catalyst Browse. What may be happening is the delete function is just marking the file as trash and not really deleting it. You can check this by opening the card on the desktop and then checking the trash can for any video files on that card.

Doug’s workflow is a good way to go. I follow a similar workflow and reformat my cards after copying off the files.

Jon Gay February 13th, 2025 12:38 PM

Re: Catalyst Browse And deleteing files

I'm not using C.B. to transfer, only a quick view and delete the card. I don't get to pick and choose, just make darn sure everything is transferred.

I use offShoot from Hedge for camera card transfer. With it I can simultaneously transfer to 3+ hard drives for backup in the field. I like the security of the transfer log that goes with each card/ folder. It can also integrate with foolcat which produces a PDF file with thumbnail pictures and shot info.

It is the deleting of the cards that is the issue. Doug, I believe in one of your books, maybe the FS-7, you recommended using C.B. to clear the cards by selecting them and deleting. And it worked beautifully, for years, until a couple of months ago. Now after deleting, all the files are gone, but the card space is still in use. C.B. has never put anything in the trash that I then have to delete again. I'm having this issue with 8 different cards.
And these files appear to be fine or not weird looking.

Something is holding back the previously used space on the card until it is re-formatted in the camera.
Step 5 is something I have never had to do. But, Maybe I do now.

Appreciate your time.

Doug Jensen February 15th, 2025 07:26 AM

Re: Catalyst Browse And deleteing files
Quote: "Doug, I believe in one of your books, maybe the FS-7, you recommended using C.B. to clear the cards by selecting them and deleting. "

No, I would never have said that. Cards always need to be formatted onboard the camera that they will be used with.

Whatever you were doing before was wrong, so if it doesn't work anymore, then all the more reason to start using the correct workflow.

I'm not even sure why CB is part of your workflow, I don't think you need it unless you suspect there is a problem with a particular card or clip. CB isn't part of my normal workflow and I only use it when there is a reason.

Jon Gay February 17th, 2025 06:27 PM

Re: Catalyst Browse And deleteing files
I think I figured it out. It appears to be a Mac OS Sonoma 14 issue. You will have to reformat the camera cards if you are on Sonoma.“Proper Workflow" aside.

I went to a computer with Ventura OS 13, and CB works like always. Both with deleting clips with CB or trashing the clips from the clip folder, which was just a test. The card releases the hold on the data.
I believe it might have to do with the Mediapro.xml file, but I don’t know.
I just though I’d give the rest of the story. It's a Sonoma got'cha

Doug, I write this with much respect for you, the information you have given here and books and videos. I have four of your camera books and have rented a couple of your video series. I know best practices change over time. Technology often dictates this, as with Sonoma. I did just want to mention, you might want to look at page 282 in your F-55 Guide E-book, and, I can’t be sure, but also the FS-7 video.

Anyway, thanks for the time.

Doug Jensen February 17th, 2025 07:15 PM

Re: Catalyst Browse And deleteing files
Hi Jon, I appreciate your support over the years, and I hope anyone who thinks I have made a mistake or contradicted myself will speak up. Thank you. In this case, I went to page 282 in my F55 book to see what I said 12 years ago, and I can see what you are talking about regarding reformatting vs. deleting clips. Yes, I did say that I used to prefer deleting clips, so you got me there. But that was more than a decade ago using an entirely different program called Content Browser -- which was replaced by Catalyst Browse. Lots of things are different with Catalyst. In today's world, and for at least the last 10 years, I always reformat my cards onboard the camera. I also talked about using Shot Put Pro for backups, optical discs for archiving, and lots of other stuff that is sorely outdated a decade later. Times change! :-)

But, yeah, when I said in an earlier post that I would never have said that about deleting clips, I was wrong. Sorry about that. But with said, it is time for you to get onboard with the "proper workflow". :-)

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