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Gerry Fraiberg October 2nd, 2015 08:43 PM

Sony Updates Catalyst Browse
Catalyst Browse

Release 22 September 2015

This release is available in English only. A translated version will be available in an upcoming release.

Added support for repairing flash bands.
Added support for adjusting the split location when using split-screen preview in the Adjust Color workspace.
Added support for editing sliders in the Color Correction section of the Inspector numerically: click the value and type a new value to specify a precise value.
Added support for adjusting color correction when working with clip lists.
Added a Play all frames (speed) setting to playback settings to allow you to choose to optimize decoding to preserve the frame rate.
Added support for GPS metadata in XAVC S clips recorded by the Sony Action Cam.
Added support for GPS metadata in XAVC proxy clips recorded by the CBK-WA100 wireless adapter.
Added support for playing XAVC Intra CBG Class 200 MXF clips.
Added support for combining relay-recorded clips.
Added support for importing an EDL.
Added support for choosing a workspace when using the Upload to Ci feature (Options > Share to Ci). Previous versions of Catalyst Browse selected your first workspace by default; if that workspace was too small, uploading was not permitted.
Time remaining is now displayed during transcoding.
Improved support for displaying metadata.
Added support for browsing connected devices in Browse mode.
Added support for browsing recently viewed folders in Browse mode.
In Browse mode, you can now click the File button and choose Add to Favorites to add the current folder to the Favorite Folders list in the Places pane.
In Browse mode, the bottom toolbar now displays the total number of items in the current folder if no clip is selected.
You can now press Delete to delete files in the Media Browser.
You can now use drag-and-drop operations to copy clips in the Media Browser.
Added context menus for easier editing: right-click (Windows) or control-click (OS X) a clip or folder to display a context menu
Added support for ejecting volumes in Browse mode.
Added support for adding padding to clips during transcoding.
Added support for transcoding 1440x1080 progressive clips to ProRes format (OS X only).
Added support for transcoding 1440x1080 XAVC Intra clips.
Added support for reading and transcoding uncompressed 10-bit SD MXF clips.
When transcoding to DPX format, you can type a value in the Starting frame index box to append a numeric index to transcoded file names.
The keyboard shortcut to reset Mark In/Out points is now Shift+R.
ProRes render template descriptions now include bit rate information (OS X only).
The File and Tools menus are now available in Browse and View mode.
Fixed a bug that could cause the application to crash when transcoding spanned .smi clips to XDCAM format.
Fixed a bug that could cause the application to crash when dragging a file from the OS X Finder to Catalyst Browse when the home folder was selected.
Fixed a bug that could cause the application to crash when adding mark points during playback.
Fixed a bug that could cause Mark In/Out points to be displayed incorrectly after editing them.
Added a Favorite Folders section to the folder list in dialogs that allow you to browse your system.
Added support for using Open With in the OS X Finder to open files with Catalyst Browse.
Added color sampling information to the Video section of the Inspector pane to display a clip's color space, color sampling, and video bit depth.
Improved performance when browsing clips on the Sony PDW-U2 XDCAM Disc Drive Unit.
The appropriate clip in a clip list is now selected when you adjust the timeline play position.
When using Copy snapshot to clipboard, the image is now corrected for nonsquare pixels.
Fixed a bug that could cause the Start time, End time, and Length values to be displayed incorrectly when viewing clip lists.
Fixed a bug that could cause timecode values to be displayed incorrectly for XDCAM DV 25p clips.
Fixed a bug that could cause the Grade in drop-down list in the Options menu to be empty when you first start the application.
Fixed a bug that could cause an error if you switched away from the Mark Points tab in the Inspector while editing the name of an essence mark.
Fixed a bug that could remove an essence mark's name when editing with a very long name on the Mark Points tab in the Inspector.
Fixed a bug that could prevent the Ci Login dialog from being displayed in some cases after choosing the Upload to Ci command.
Fixed a bug that prevented the Inspector pane from displaying clip names correctly after renaming.
Fixed a bug that could prevent metadata from being displayed correctly after an edit.
Resolved an issue that could prevent the application from displaying if you ran the application on a secondary monitor and then restarted the application with the secondary monitor disconnected.
Fixed a bug that could cause Catalyst Browse to assume file associations unexpectedly.
Fixed a bug that could cause an error when copying a clip to a destination that had previously contained a clip with the same file name.
Fixed a bug that could cause clips to be sorted incorrectly when sorting by frame size.
Fixed a bug that could cause transcoding presets to be incorrectly filtered.
Fixed a bug that could cause the second field of each frame to be skipped when playing or transcoding interlaced media.
Fixed a bug that could cause the Tint slider in the Adjust Color workspace to be reset after closing and restarting the application.
Fixed a bug that could cause the audio meters to display a signal when playback was paused or stopped.
Fixed a bug that could cause clip lists to display generic thumbnail images in the Media Browser after resetting Mark In/Out points.
Fixed a bug that prevented clip list thumbnail images from displaying updated clip counts in the left pane when adding clips.
Fixed a bug that prevented supported files from opening correctly when dropping them on the Catalyst Browse Dock icon (OS X only).
Fixed a bug that could cause black frames to be displayed after removing clips from a clip list.
Fixed a bug that prevented the cursor from updating when typing a value in the time display while viewing a clip list.
Fixed a bug that prevented the application from playing AVCHD files created by Edius Pro or Adobe Premiere.
Updated the embedded Web browser to support TLS 1.2 encryption.

Paul Anderegg October 4th, 2015 03:23 AM

Re: Sony Updates Catalyst Browse
Wow.....so many bugs in their releases......


Mike Buckhout October 8th, 2015 09:18 AM

Re: Sony Updates Catalyst Browse
Or.... So many fixes in their updates!!

Paul Anderegg October 9th, 2015 06:29 AM

Re: Sony Updates Catalyst Browse
A repair to a mistake is not a "feature" addition! :-P


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