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Piotr Wozniacki June 10th, 2015 12:11 PM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples
Yeah, I know - VLC plays them back just fine, but one wants to edit, right?
Heck - Catalyst Browse plays them full speed!

David Dixon June 10th, 2015 12:16 PM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples
Since they did not include the card structure, just the files, FCPX would not import these, but EditReady easily converted them to ProRes. Threw one into a 1080p timeline - played back easily even before rendering was finished. The ProRes plays back and edits beautifully, however I do have a 6TB Thunderbolt raid 0 on my 27" iMac.

Cliff Totten June 10th, 2015 03:14 PM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples

Originally Posted by Zenes Petrusin (Post 1888977)

my X70 has license for 4k, this is short samples doing fast panning. Original MXF files is for download here. Shutter speed is 1/50 in 25fps

Sony PXW-X70 4K 25p 1/50 #1 - YouTube

Sony PXW-X70 4K 25p 1/50 #2 - YouTube

Sony PXW-X70 4K 25p 1/50 #3 - YouTube

Original MXF 4k from PXW-X70

Where did you get your PXW-X70 4K license from?

Ron Evans June 10th, 2015 03:36 PM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples

Originally Posted by Piotr Wozniacki (Post 1888999)
Thanks Zenes; unfortunately in Vegas Pro 11 the clips play at some 5 fps at Best/Full (watchable from Preview/Quarter and down). What the heck - this is Sony's own codec! Well, I guess proxies are the only way to edit - even a single track...

Something is terribly f***ed up in Vegas, because at Best/Full, CPU is only loaded up to 50% and GPU - up to 25%.

Try Edius it will play them fine. I just use Vegas for audio editing the reason I got it originally !!!

Ron Evans

Zenes Petrusin June 10th, 2015 09:49 PM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples

Originally Posted by Cliff Totten (Post 1889028)
Where did you get your PXW-X70 4K license from?

Bought from official sony reseller in my region. It is little box with code, over sony webpage got license file based on s/n of camcorder.

Tim Woods June 11th, 2015 04:34 AM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples

Originally Posted by Cliff Totten (Post 1889028)
Where did you get your PXW-X70 4K license from?

Clifton, would you upload more 4k footage maybe a minute or longer? Also your MXF files are giving an error when I try to download them.

Claire Watson June 11th, 2015 08:30 AM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples
Hi guys,

Maybe Piotr will need a faster cpu for this camera format? I was considering this camera, so tried the first clip here. (thanks Zenes).

I use Edius and my old i7-920 machine played the clip without stutters or frame drops but scrubbing was not smooth. This tells me what I already knew, that my old machine is out of it's depth with 4K. I had the same problem with 4K mov files from my GH4 so it's par for the course and I now have an i7-5960X machine.

With the new computer I found that in a 4K project Edius 7 can plays 3 streams of the MXF file consistently, without frame drops, scrubbing is smooth and precise. While playing, Win 7 task manager reports 16 logical cores at 45 - 95%.

Since I deliver 4K as HD I put the same clip four times into a 25p HD project, where for some odd reason Edius handled it even better! 4 streams, 16 logical cores at 91 - 98%.

Not tried adding filters yet but so far the camera format seems very editable, certainly no need to transcode, just need some power and a willing NLE... so just asking myself do I want the camera...

Cliff Totten June 11th, 2015 09:15 AM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples

Originally Posted by Zenes Petrusin (Post 1889061)
Bought from official sony reseller in my region. It is little box with code, over sony webpage got license file based on s/n of camcorder.

Wow, that means your region must have gotten it first.

It's not available anywhere else in the world yet.


Zenes Petrusin June 11th, 2015 10:30 AM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples

Originally Posted by Tim Woods (Post 1889079)
Clifton, would you upload more 4k footage maybe a minute or longer? Also your MXF files are giving an error when I try to download them.

Maybe tomorow upload some more. Download server use SSL, has some certificate, try check correct time and date on your computer or use new web browser version, in this reasons is maybe some warning or errors on your side.

Piotr Wozniacki June 12th, 2015 02:34 AM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples

I tested your clips again on my friends super-fast computer and a 50" plasma HDTV (not UHD) and I must say something is terribly wrong with the quality - as if the clips were interlaced or something; there is a lot of jerkiness in panning and jagged lines. If that is the final quality of the troublesome X70 4k XAVC-L codec - the camera is seriously flawed...

PS. I can see the same artefacts in VLC, so it's not Vegas fault this time.

Helmut Blokesch June 12th, 2015 03:07 AM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples

Originally Posted by Cliff Totten (Post 1889105)
It's not available anywhere else in the world yet.

I got mine yesterday here in Germany. But I still waiting for the email from Sony

Piotr Wozniacki June 12th, 2015 04:13 AM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples
Oh, and one more thing:

When comparing all these new 4k cameras using Vegas or other NLE, we must remember that not all of them (or their codex) have been made equal - and when something doesn't work (or works worse than the rest of the bunch), it's not always Vegas Pro's fault.

As I have stated, 4k from the AX1/AX100 cameras plays back stunningly, with this "out-of-the-window" wow look. But I forgot about one more camera that also plays absolutely wonderful in Vegas: the JVC GY-HM200. Even though the native samples I have are in the dreaded MOV wrapper, they play full speed at Best/Full and the picture is amazing. Oh, and the 4k codec is 8 bit 420, but not overly compressed at 150 Mbps (the fps is 30p). Those clips play Best/Full even on my lousy laptop! If only the sensor was a tad bigger and better in low light...


Mervyn Jack June 12th, 2015 06:54 AM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples
Thanks for providing the clips so I can test if my computer can handle them before getting into 4k.

I have been able to download the 3 mxf clips, import them into Premiere Pro CC and put them together on a 1080p and 3840p timelines. I've zoomed and split and sometimes the playback is a bit jerky, but that is because I am running out of RAM.

I tried a 3 clip multicam 4k sequence, but CPU bounced around 100% and RAM maxed out.

I don't know how I would go at 50p.

More RAM is next on the shopping list.

My computer is a DELL Vostro 470
i7-3770 3.4GHz
1920 x 1080 monitor
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

Zenes Petrusin June 12th, 2015 09:36 AM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples

Originally Posted by Piotr Wozniacki (Post 1889174)

I tested your clips again on my friends super-fast computer and a 50" plasma HDTV (not UHD) and I must say something is terribly wrong with the quality - as if the clips were interlaced or something; there is a lot of jerkiness in panning and jagged lines. If that is the final quality of the troublesome X70 4k XAVC-L codec - the camera is seriously flawed...

PS. I can see the same artefacts in VLC, so it's not Vegas fault this time.

I try 2160p 30p in 1/50 shutter and looks panning much much better, 24p 25p not looks panning good in this resolution.

Piotr Wozniacki June 12th, 2015 09:50 AM

Re: 60Mbp/s vs. 100Mbps - Supprising Video Samples

Originally Posted by Zenes Petrusin (Post 1889202)
I try 2160p 30p in 1/50 shutter and looks panning much much better, 24p 25p not looks panning good in this resolution.

Agreed about 24p in our PAL area, but your clips are 25p and should look stunning on my 50" 200 Hz plasma. I edit HD in 25p and monitor the same way (the plasma is hanging on the wall in my editing studio, just in front and above me, so I watch it from some 1.5m distance).

In fact, 1080/25p material from EX1 or FS100 looks better than the 4k in the clips you provided - I hope Sony will issue yet another X70 firmware iteration soon to take care of these XAVC-L motion artefacts in 4k...

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