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Jack Zhang October 2nd, 2007 01:55 AM

Actually, it was with an HC7. But I use a tripod rig that make it seem like a bigger camera. Nearly all the shots were done with this special tripod rig (or basically, holding two legs of the tripod.)

Richard Grebby October 2nd, 2007 08:20 AM

Thanks for the input, i might make some changes later

anyone else?

Richard Grebby October 2nd, 2007 08:24 AM

Short Experimental Documentry about a local artist
I did this some time ago and thought I would offer it up for thoughts on what people think.

The brief was to make a short documentry titled "Portrait of a Person" We could do whatever we wanted but we could not show this person. Instead we needed to get across their job and character through other images.
I chose to work on a local Artist.
Please let me know what you think.

Thanks in advance, movie is below on my myspace.


Travis Binkle October 2nd, 2007 09:35 AM

5 Attachment(s)
Here are a few stills from the video.

John De Rienzo October 3rd, 2007 12:27 PM


Edward Klein October 3rd, 2007 05:23 PM

Be Afraid
This has it's problems - especially the acting - it was made totally in-house with no budget to speak of - and it succeeds on it's own merits.

You'll need to scroll down to the "How to Testify Video" section:


Emre Safak October 3rd, 2007 05:39 PM

People still use Real media?

Daniel Ross October 3rd, 2007 05:52 PM

Just like the spyware companies it embeds :p

Zac Crosby October 4th, 2007 06:10 AM

The Carrier trailer
Hey, Zac here with my latest work, shot over two days at a grassfield airport, with a DC-3 Airplane.. This is more of a pitch to make a feature out of this short film... So if you interested: reduxen@gmail.com

Storyline, of the feature: A government reviewer, specializing in chemical weapons, finds that one section of a lab has been creating this disease. He orders them to shut down, but they don't stop. He goes to the lab himself to stop it and injects himself with the online antidote. He needs to get out of the country to Mass Produce the antidote.

About me and the Filming: I'm 17, I wrote this short script one day, preparing to shoot and test the new HV20 HDV cam. I got into contact with Redrock Micro, and they agreed to send their big package, for three days for my shoot... 17 and doing this... psh... but theres more. I got this amazing actor to come down for a day to shoot, he wouldn't accept any payment... something about me going somewhere in life... But we got to shoot at an airport with a DC-3... which was also alot of fun

Shot With HV20 with Redrock Micro: Nikon 35mm, 50mm, and 105mm Lenses used

Fore Warning: This is a rough edit, there is alot of nature stuff as placeholders, there are also no effects done... this is just a trailer to sark some interest


Check out my blog

Mike Horrigan October 4th, 2007 07:22 AM

Small window... the image quality looks good though!
As a trailer.... it is far too long. I would try and make something shorter and more to the point.

Looks good though!

Keep it up.


Edward Klein October 4th, 2007 01:04 PM

If it was up to our unit we wouldn't use Real. Our IS folks don't really have a clue.

Zac Crosby October 4th, 2007 02:27 PM

i have been editing a shorter version, cutting out some nature clips i had used as placeholders....

anyone know where i can upload a high quality vers of it?

Eric Brown October 6th, 2007 12:44 AM

Zac, try Vimeo. They allow big uploads up to 250mb.

Phil Bloom October 6th, 2007 03:53 PM

TV News report filmed "Straight 8" style, no editing. All done in camera
I did a TV experiment this week. So much editing is done these days on TV that I wanted to see if I could make a 2 and a half minute news report for Britain's Channel Five News where all the editing was done in camera.

It would tie in with the Straight 8 film festival in London. Straight 8 a style of short filming on Super 8 cameras where all the editing is done in camera too. Some of the films are astonishing.

The head of news made a promise to run it no matter how it turned it. Quite a challenge then!

You can see the report here and whether we managed to make it work here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=CVz4GEgramE

A making of is here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=bZScjfi8g...e=user&search=

Sean Walsh October 7th, 2007 06:33 PM

Smart piece of filming and reportage....I thought it really flowed well.
'Editing in camera' almost implies that it was done 'on the fly'...whereas I bet you put some time into planning what you were intending to say and film.
It just goes to show that great planning is important (as well as great camera and sound work and a good dose of luck sometimes!).
It would be interesting to know Phil what your shooting ratio was - ie how much material you ended up recording over to produce the final edited film.
And I reckon we could all benefit from having a go at this....I'm sure it really helped you focus on what was necessary & essential - rather than falling into the trap of shooting masses of tape and then trying to sort it out in editing or post.

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