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New z1e videos my first one
Hi every body, before all sorry for my english.
I watching your coments and videos a couple of moths. And i want give thanks to every body for the information write here. 4 moths ago i buy a hvr-z1e for my work and i hav´nt time to write or put anything here, but now i get some videos that i like to show yours. and apreciate any coments about it. Be a litle patient with the download cause its 18 to 24 mb. Thank everyone. http://www.naitaka.com/Demos.html |
Nice work Ruben!
What settings did you use for the Car commercial and the Terror Channel advertisement? I really liked the car commercial piece, very filmic (at least to me). I'd be interested to know how you shot the car commercial and the 'Terror' piece. Nice job! |
Thank you James
It shoot a higher speed 250+- and less saturation, CINEMA TONE, black enanced. In post y use mask for the DOF, and a color correct for the image. In final cut down the speed for 93% and variable 50-30, for freeze efect. In terror chanet the more important its the light i use 3 lights 2 of 650 1 of 1000 an later the post for cold the image and nigth look. I use a dolly for some takes and a glidecam4000 for the car takes. |
Your videos look amazing. Can you tell us a little bit more what you did on Color Correction? Sometime it looks a little like Magic Bullet. Felicidades por tus trabajos! ;-)
Gracias Rafael
Ok la corrección de color se trata de 1º corregir la gama y la ganancia. 2º corregir los niveles de color. corregir la gama y la ganancia de la escena, la relación entre sombras y luces. Corregir los niveles de color desaturando, dependiendo del rango tonal que des a la escena desaturaras mas unos que otros. Piensa que el vídeo satura más los colores, mientras que en cine no. En definitiva hacer que el negro sea negro y que el tono sea el que buscas. Más o menos eso. |
were these shot with the z1 standard lense?
Habla Ingles por favor. As my Spanish capabilities are 'pocito' I'd love to perfect it though, but I took it 25 years ago in Highschool! I own a Z1 and am trying to pick up on anything that will make my final footage look better. Oh, did you shoot in PAL or NTSC? Gracias, Jim |
Ruben, I'm really impressed with the car ad. Very well done. May I know how did you film the portion that the car was moving ahead. (The DOF part). Were you on a truck with the Glidecam or did u simply did a slow take while increasing the speed in post editing?
Thanks for the tips, Rub. Keep up the good work!
Thanks every body for the coments.
Sorry for the spanish write i try to translate to english. the color correct its when you control the power of the light and sadows this control with GAIN, GAMMA, and use a colour correctct tool In cinema, tha black its a pure black its that you must try to get first, the intensity of the light and the colour of its one its other of the most important think. Cinema colours is less saturate than video, and you must correct the amount of it in your take. A good metod for practice its get a few frames of the original movie and analize it for trying to get similar look The take of the car moving its shoot fron the back side of another behicle, in my case i sit in the back of a car that i can open the back door (i donnt now how i say in english) and whith the camera mount on my glidecam. We driva at 30 kmh the two cars. I dont use any optic adapter y use postproduction to do the DOF (Combustion). Im so sorry to dont answer your question better but my english dont let me xplain me better. i try to get some screenshots to show you more eficiently. I use PAL. |
Thanks Ruben, I understand you. I tried taking a similar shoot from the rear of another car before, its very difficult to get it right. Glidecam 4000 is quite long n not easy to manouvre. Thanks for sharing your tips here!
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