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Dean Sensui January 29th, 2003 01:44 AM

Hi Victor...

What I meant by "tweaking" is color correction and density adjustments. Both in general and for specific areas of the image -- if possible.

But I see in a later post that's what you guys are doing.

Too bad I don't understand French. Not anymore -- high school French class was a long, long time ago!


Victor Muh January 29th, 2003 03:18 PM

Thank you for your compliments as well as your nit-picks!

Yeah, the opening was supposed to be very different than what you see. I wanted to recreate the feel of SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER when Travolta's character is getting ready to go out on the town and boogie. Unfortunately, my actor, since he was volunteering his time, couldn't get away from work as he'd planned. Instead, he took a long lunch, and I shot all that I could while he was there. I like your idea, though. At the time, I was too tied up in my script and how to shoot something to fit what I'd written than to think outside of the box. I don't think I have the footage to execute your idea:-( I'm going to discuss this with my editor. He's not going to be happy.

The introduction of the shoes should be explained by Lao when the Shopkeeper asks him why he is so interested in the shoes. Lao replies, "I love Kung Fu films, and everyone where these shoes in those films."

The idea is that he's running after being set up for his fall. He's oblivious to everything around him, yet the shoes catch his attention. He's thinking, "Oh, cool! Kung Fu shoes! I'd look super groovy with Kung Fu shoes, and if they give me special powers, that's just what the doctor ordered!"

I'm glad you like the girl I casted for the role. She was the last girl I met, and I'd completely given up hope that I'd be able to have an actress who could act decently, have the "look" and move acceptably. The kick doesn't connect, but the stunt coordinators, who also play The Bully and the Flip Thug, would be proud to hear that it looks like it does!

I'm going to try to save the end of the film when we do the color correction. The exposure looked fine on my monitor when we shot it. I honestly don't know what happened. The end is supposed to hang, though. It's supposed to end on a down note and time for reflection. It ends as the Shopkeeper feels, disappointed, dark, alone. It's not the first time this has happened, and he wonders how many more people he will have to teach about the abuse of power.

By the way, I checked out your short. I can't believe you shot it in an hour! "I just want to speak English." That busted me up.

<<<-- Originally posted by John Locke : Victor, more thumbs up here! With Dylan and I both holding our thumbs up, you can put "Two thumbs up!" on the DVD cover.

I also enjoyed it overall. Like Dylan said, I like the part leading up to the fighting most. Here are some thoughts...for what they're worth...

The opening seemed a bit slow and lacking impact...in fact the long shot of the TV show and the main character at the mirror could have been cut way down. I'd have added some irony, too. For instance, start with a black screen and the karate sounds, fade in close on the main character, looking as though he's beating the heck out of someone. Then, reveal he's actually just fighting along with the TV characters.

The introduction of the shoes seemed a bit of a stretch. Why is he drawn to them? There needs to be some type of providence in action here. For instance, why not have one of his shoes fly off when he's practicing in front of the TV, while he says something along the lines of needing fighting shoes. Or, at least have something make him come to an abrupt stop in front of the store window...something that unmistakeably gives him a sign that he needs to go in and buy those shoes. A little Deus ex machina perhaps...à la kung fu movie style.

I like the scene in the store although the line "Ils sont très jolies" struck me as a bit odd. Would that be the reason he'd buy them? The scene after of him kicking his way down the street is great, though! It cracked me up. Also the running shots leading up to discovering the shoes are well done.

The girl does a good job... did that kick really connect? Looks like it! Actually, now that I've seen the complete fight scenes, they're not so bad. A bit of editing could make those come across pretty well, I think.

The ending though is a problem for me because it's just too dark. I couldn't see what was happening. And in a story sense, it seems as though the final resolution is lacking somewhat.

Sounds like a lot of negatives, doesn't it? I'm just "nit-picking" since that's what I like for people to do to me...that's the best way to learn and improve.

Negatives nit-pickiness aside, I enjoyed it...and I'm looking forward to seeing your next films. -->>>

Victor Muh March 3rd, 2003 08:07 PM

Article in French Industry Magazine!
The French audio/visual industry magazine SONOVISION has written an article about my short film and my use of the Mini 35 to shoot it!

Interested parties can read the article (in French) here: http://thechineseshoes.com/home/press.html

I'm sooo stoked!!!

Rob Lohman March 4th, 2003 05:20 PM

Too bad it is in french (not something I can read). But congratulations
on an article about your movie! Way to go! Also nice to see
another picture of a XL1 with mini35.


John Threat March 6th, 2003 06:27 AM

I wonder if you can use the Cavision Matte Box with the 35mini adapter?

Yang Wen May 28th, 2003 05:06 PM

WOW, looks great, great depth of field and awsome lighting.

K. Forman May 28th, 2003 05:57 PM

Victor- I really enjoyed your video the way it is, and I don't even know French :) I would definately like it dubbed in English so that I knew the whole story.

The only negative points were:

The music- needed to play a bit longer into the scenes with dialogue, and fade down instead of the sudden stop. The choice of music has been overdone, maybe, but it fits this feature to a T.

The end scene, in the shop, was too dark. A little more light to see what's going on, but still keep it low.

Some of the fight scenes needed to be a little wider, catch both of the combatants in the frame more fully.

Overall, I say fantastic job.

Victor Muh June 10th, 2003 03:37 PM

Thanks sooo much!

The version on the internet is still the rough cut. I will put the finished version online in the near future. The rough cut version has not had the audio mixed. That's why the music stops suddenly and all.

I appreciate your comments nonetheless.

<<<-- Originally posted by Keith Forman : Victor- I really enjoyed your video the way it is, and I don't even know French :) I would definately like it dubbed in English so that I knew the whole story.

The only negative points were:

The music- needed to play a bit longer into the scenes with dialogue, and fade down instead of the sudden stop. The choice of music has been overdone, maybe, but it fits this feature to a T.

The end scene, in the shop, was too dark. A little more light to see what's going on, but still keep it low.

Some of the fight scenes needed to be a little wider, catch both of the combatants in the frame more fully.

Overall, I say fantastic job. -->>>

Hugh DiMauro June 27th, 2003 12:31 PM

Bonjour! Comment ca va?

One question: How did you get to use non-royalty free music for the trailer without getting the "chasseurs" (sp) sued off of you?

Victor Muh June 27th, 2003 01:12 PM

I negotiated a deal letting me use the music for festivals only. Once I get distribution I have to pay.

Otherwise, I got music from http://freeplaymusic.com/.

Thanks for asking.

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