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Ross Peterson November 13th, 2019 10:09 AM

documentary on a conservative kids show
The Uncle Pete documentary has finished it's festival run and now it's online! Please show some love for this little movie and SHARE SHARE SHARE!

The humor is pretty dark and it's like South Park offensive.

Chris Hurd November 15th, 2019 09:01 AM

Re: documentary on a conservative kids show
Brilliant! Thanks for sharing this with us.

Is it a spoiler to mention that this story has a... "happy ending" ...?

Andrew Smith November 17th, 2019 07:15 PM

Re: documentary on a conservative kids show
For me it's a big meh. Had a second look and still didn't get beyond 3 minutes. I really enjoy South Park but this thing just isn't funny. Feels a bit too 'try hard' and just doesn't work. Does it get funnier in the end? I'm not willing to risk the ten minutes required.

Reckon it's more sad than self-professed sick. The first time I started watching it I remembered (after what must be eons) that euphemistic phrase "straight to video" and thought "heh, yeah, straight to YouTube these days".

Probably reflects the creators more than anything else. If anything it's a lesson in what technology simply won't make up for.


Bryan Worsley November 18th, 2019 07:51 AM

Re: documentary on a conservative kids show
Which brings to mind the song "Straight to Video" by Mindless Self Indulgence......or vice versa.

Ross Peterson November 22nd, 2019 08:08 PM

Re: documentary on a conservative kids show

Originally Posted by Andrew Smith (Post 1954886)
For me it's a big meh. Had a second look and still didn't get beyond 3 minutes. I really enjoy South Park but this thing just isn't funny. Feels a bit too 'try hard' and just doesn't work. Does it get funnier in the end? I'm not willing to risk the ten minutes required.

Reckon it's more sad than self-professed sick. The first time I started watching it I remembered (after what must be eons) that euphemistic phrase "straight to video" and thought "heh, yeah, straight to YouTube these days".

Probably reflects the creators more than anything else. If anything it's a lesson in what technology simply won't make up for.


Thanks for watching (3 minutes worth)! It did very well at film fests, so I'm pretty happy with that. Humor is subjective and I respect your opinions!

Ross Peterson November 22nd, 2019 08:09 PM

Re: documentary on a conservative kids show

Originally Posted by Chris Hurd (Post 1954847)
Brilliant! Thanks for sharing this with us.

Is it a spoiler to mention that this story has a... "happy ending" ...?

Not a spoiler! Thanks for watching.

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