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genod444 May 28th, 2002 11:46 PM

Xl1 also on howard Stern Show on E!
If you watch Howard Stern on the E! channel you can see sometimes on thje hallway interviews they use the XL1 and the pd-150.

Margus Kivilaan May 31st, 2002 05:58 AM

i don't think you will have much better picture using pal
on other side you will have huge problem if you want to convert your pal originated material to ntsc because they have different compression shemes. DV ntsc uses 4:1:1 compression scheme, DV pal uses 4:2:0
i'm pal user , but i just live in a pal area

Ulrik [fC] June 1st, 2002 12:32 PM

thanks a lot, sorry that I needed so much time to answer.

yep .. well the task was to do no dialogue and a 5min shortfilm - was for my application for filmschool, but they didnt like it or didnt like other taks I had to do -.- that is why it is very good to hear that other people like it :)

ok take care and happy filming everyone

Aaron Koolen June 1st, 2002 04:14 PM

Always seems strange that a film school require you to make something to get in and not let you in if they don't think it's good enough. Isn't that what you're going there to learn ;)

The fact you did it shows you're keen. Anyway, well done and best of luck man.


Orca8888 June 2nd, 2002 01:25 PM

Excellent responses!

Thanks so much for the feedback! I'm especially happy to see that you guys consider the story to be the foundation of everything. It seems every dolt with a camera forgets that these days.

Thanks for the input!

Rob Lohman June 3rd, 2002 02:42 AM

I totally agree with you here Aaron. The filmschool here in Holland
is exactly the same. You need to make something and they must
like it before you even have a chance of attending their school.
Weird. Especially since the "like" part is very personal. How do
you measure if something is "good"? By what standards?

I went to a couple of their days where you can look around and
ask questions and stuff. I very soon got the feeling that they
more or less try to fit anyone in the same pattern, and I'll bet
they will also look for people attending for this pattern. This
persons movie should probably be "mainstream" instead of
something else if you want to join.

Oh well, I'm probably learning more on this board anyways.

Kyle "Doc" Mitchell June 3rd, 2002 10:01 AM


Learning on this board is probably cheaper than filmschool too!

This may sound cynical, but from the sounds of it from that school in Holland, people would learn more by making their own movies outside the school than attending and learning how to make movies the school pattern-way. In other words, I think that making movies outside the standard, filmschool way may help you be more creative because you have the freedom to learn from your own mistakes and styles, and you're forced to figure out things for yourself - or from help on message boards like this. But still, its not the pattern that the school might try to fit you in.

Some may argue that the film school teaches the methods and styles that work or don't; school teaches you how not to waste your time and to follow a pattern that works. But it may be better for yourself to experiment with styles and find alternative styles that work. A new style might be better. That's what makes your stories unique, doing things on your own. There may be more freedom to experiment outside school - if you can afford to!

Anyways, Ulrick, good luck dude. I thought the movie was cool!!


Kyle "Doc" Mitchell

Dave Richler June 3rd, 2002 10:06 AM

It seems film school is getting a bad rap...I don't want to say that film school is the be all and end all of filmmaking but it is not as bad as people make it out to be...I go to Concordia University (Montreal Film School) and the last thing they want to do is tell students how to make films...for example, in year one, they baseically give you an old Bolex 16mm film camera and tell you to go out and make a movie...about anything you want...

Speaking of Film School...does anyone out there know anything about the L.A. Film School (1 year program) or the New York Film Academy (1 Year)?

Thanks, Dave

Kyle "Doc" Mitchell June 3rd, 2002 10:19 AM


You're right dude! I didn't mean to send a negative hit about filmschool. I mean, how can I judge? I dont go to filmschool. I was just referring to what I've heard/read and to what the Holland school situation looked like - or to schools that look like they'll try to set they won't really help students creatively. Those schools don't look too cool, and those were just my feelings. Still, You're totally right man! Film schools can help!


Kyle "Doc" Mitchell

Ozzie Alfonso June 3rd, 2002 02:30 PM

Mini DV on the air
A few months back I mentioned in one of these forums a documantary a friend of mine was putting together for the Travel Channel and described it as the best looking DV I've seen shot with a prosumer camera.

Well the documentaries will air tomorrow night - June 4 on the Travel Channel at 8 and 9PM EDT/PDT and repeated at 11 and 12 - check your local cable listings. The two docs are titled "Vegas Around the World" and "Vegas Exposed". Both were shot almost single-handedly by Fred Barney Taylor. He used his only camera - a SONY PD150 for all the shooting. He off-lined all the DVCAM material on his Mac using Final Cut Pro. The material was on-lined and color corrected on a conventional linear system and mastered on DigiBeta for broadcast release. Just about all the material was shot at -5db. I saw the material when he was editing and it looked great.

I haven't seen the finished docs but, knowing Fred's past work, it is worth taking a look.

Ken Tanaka June 3rd, 2002 02:59 PM

Thanks very much for the heads-up, Ozzie. I remember your remarks about this fellow's work several months ago. I'm anxious to see the results!

p.s. I moved your announcement here to ... err...the Announcements forum.

Peter Wiley June 4th, 2002 05:31 PM

The trailer for Full Frontal is now finally availbale from Yahoo movies.

But don't get excited. The current trailer is all titles and voices -- no live action at all.

Ken Tanaka June 4th, 2002 08:18 PM

Naw. I watched most of both of those shows. If your friend really shot them with a PD150 I'm in awe. Just the steadiness of many of the (probably) hand-held shots suggest a full-size ENG camera, certainly not a jiggly 4 lb prosumer camera. Color and sharpness also suggested a much more expensive rig.

It just stands as testament to the contribution that skill makes, as compared to gear, to the final product. I taped one of the shows and have to look at them again.

Thanks again for the notice.

Ozzie Alfonso June 4th, 2002 09:05 PM

It's 100% PD150. I'll get Fred to contribute a few thoughts on his approach. But Fred is not one to hang around web sites.

Chris Hurd June 4th, 2002 10:15 PM

I'm watching "Vegas Exposed" right this minute and all I can say is WOW. Looks great! Thanks for the heads-up about this, Ozzie.

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