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Scott Brooks March 31st, 2012 11:11 PM

Bogen remotes sticking
I have two Bogen remote control handle's for my Sony cameras. I can't tell you the model # because the tripods are in position for an event tomorrow.

Both have a rocker for your thumb and I'm finding that they are sticking when I use them to zoom in or pull back. (Same issue with both remotes.) Zooming in seems to be worse. I'm curious as to whether anyone else has had this problem and if so, is there a way to fix it other than sending them in for repair.

I don't even know if they could be taken apart and cleaned ... didn't know if it was a "gunk" build-up or what.

Thanks -


Allan Black April 1st, 2012 02:19 AM

Re: Bogen remotes sticking
Both doing it sounds odd .. be good to know which models they are.

Have you been working outdoors in very dusty or windy places, or out by the ocean. Try running a vacuum over the thumb switch while zooming
to remove any dust and grit. I wouldn't try taking them apart unless you've done that sort of thing.

And are the mini plugs making good connections, clean all the plugs with a tiny micro spot of Brasso and connect/twist/pull them a couple of times
to clean the sockets.

We've got Manfrotto 523PROi Lanc controllers and I've taped over all the mini plug connections with low tack black tape, first to keep them from pulling out and second to keep atmospheric crap out of them.


Zoran Vincic April 1st, 2012 03:29 PM

Re: Bogen remotes sticking
Is it, by any chance, 521ex used with sony ex1 or ex3?

Scott Brooks April 3rd, 2012 02:37 PM

Re: Bogen remotes sticking
The odds of both of these going bad at the same time just didn't seem right ... but they did. Turns out on the underneath side of both of them (these were the discontinued handle remotes from many years ago) ... the plastic housing had gotten busted in the area of the hex screws. Basically the spring action on them just wasn't working right.

I have found someone that wanted to sell theirs and that's the way I'm going to go. I was able to salvage the handles, but now I'm just going to put the kind that clamps directly to the handle.

Thank you for the suggestions.


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