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Randy Johnson November 15th, 2019 10:56 AM

Shopping for on camera light
I have been a fan of the Z-flash 96 LED light I have 3, recently I went to buy 3 more. I found they were out of stock I can get them through China but before I bought them I wanted to ask if there was now anything better out there? I liked them because they were light and used my Sony NP batteries and had a dimmer. I realized its been years since I bought them I was wondering if anything better has come along which is why its hard to get the original?


Oren Arieli November 15th, 2019 04:49 PM

Re: Shopping for on camera light
I think you'll be very happy with the Aputure AL-M9 or updated AL-MX. https://www.aputure.com/products/al-mx-1

It's bright, variable color, uses the NP-F batteries and is very color accurate. I'm quite happy with mine.

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