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Rory Lane October 23rd, 2019 04:14 PM

Light color in studio

I have LED light bars lighting up a transparent background. Some of the colors do not look the same. The white balance is correct, but, for instance, if I have a greenish-blue background, it looks blue on camera. I have tried to adjust the lights for the camera, but I can not seem to get the exact green-blue on camera that I can get in person. It goes from blue to a very dull green or gray, depending on what I am adjusting. Am I doing something wrong or is it just a limitation of LED lights?

Paul R Johnson October 24th, 2019 04:03 AM

Re: Light color in studio
White balance on LED sources rarely produces the right response. Set the camera to something like 5600 to 6500K manually - 6K in the middle will be closest normally, but choose different settings till white face light is right on the skin tones. RGB lighting is great for saturated colour, but full r, g and b is NOT white. I assume you have other lights for people? These are the important ones for getting skin tones right. The screen is for effect, or pretty stuff, I assume?

auto white balance works on wide spectrum sources - the sun, tungsten or halogen sources and discharge - plus white LED in the various colours from yellow to blue. Forget any single colour LEDS - you cannot set white balance automatically using these.

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