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John Kofonow December 4th, 2015 12:39 PM

For Litepanels' Sola 4 users - hearing unexpected sounds
I just purchased the Sola 4 from online.

I took it out of the box to discover the cord going into the power brick was not fitting properly. Thus, unless I hold the plug a certain way, the unit won't power up. Not very practical to hold the cord and shoot video at the same time.

Once I had the light turned on I was surprised to hear an unexpected hum/buzzing when I moved the focus nob. I don't know if the focus is controlled by electronic or mechanical means.

The unit appears brand new. Obviously the power brick/cord needs to be replaced but I'm not sure of the light itself.

Is this hum/buzzing when moving the focus control in and out normal?



Doug Jensen December 4th, 2015 12:47 PM

Re: For Litepanels' Sola 4 users - hearing unexpected sounds
It is normal for the internal servo motors to make a mechanical noise when zoomed or focused, but then it should go silent after the adjustment is finished.

If the plug doesn't fit right, exchange it now while you can.

John Kofonow December 4th, 2015 07:22 PM

Re: For Litepanels' Sola 4 users - hearing unexpected sounds
Thank you Doug for that information. That is what I thought it could be but I wasn't sure.

BTW, I loved your lighting DVD.


Doug Jensen December 5th, 2015 08:49 AM

Re: For Litepanels' Sola 4 users - hearing unexpected sounds
Thank you very much, that is always nice to hear.

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