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Sean Seah February 8th, 2010 09:40 AM

I just received my Cool light 256 today in Singapore and I kinda like it. The 256 so is oh SOOO bright. Easily double of the Sony LBP (that is an onboard cam LED). Only thing is I can't have 2 gels with the barndoor but I think i can solve that. It would come in very handy to enhance bedroom lighting. I agree more gels are required to get that "look". Time to look for some...

Anyway, thanks for the support Andrew. I'm a happy customer!

Tom Hardwick February 8th, 2010 10:42 AM

That 'minus green' is something I've come across. That's all fine and dandy for the talent in the glow, but the CC turns those in the background a nasty shade of magenta, something I never experienced with my tungsten halogen cam light.


Andrew Dean February 12th, 2010 03:45 AM

I think we must be talking about different things, Tom. This is a rosco gel for the light, not a gel for the camera. After you apply minusgreen to the light, it no longer has a color spike and looks like a nice, pretty daylight source. I think what you must have experienced is a minusgreen filter for the camera which, yes, would make the background magenta.

With minusgreen gels on my cool lights led 600s, they match very well with other daylight sources.

Richard Andrewski February 12th, 2010 08:43 AM

Yup, no issues with minus green gels on lights like that, must have been something else.

Manus Sweeney February 17th, 2010 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Richard Andrewski (Post 1478134)
Support for Cool Lights products takes place at Cool Lights support channels (like email or phone), not on public boards

glad it all turned out ok and sorry to be confrontational but in fairness he was just sharing his experience with a supplier/manufacturer which is what everyone has a right to do at dvinfo, whether its canon, sony or any other supplier big or small..

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