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-   -   Daylight Matched Lighting for Indoor Scenes (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/photon-management/243272-daylight-matched-lighting-indoor-scenes.html)

Adam Gold February 13th, 2010 12:01 PM

FWIW, here's the new link to that guide:


Dean Sensui February 13th, 2010 08:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I shoot our cooking segments in the SubZero/Wolf showroom kitchen that has a huge window behind the camera position.

We'll wait until noon when the sun is no longer shining directly through the windows, and provide a little bit of direction to the light with a small Kino Flo and two CoolLights 600s. A tungsten Lowel Tota Light is used as a back light or hair light.

Attached is a frame grab from one of the demos.

Gary Nattrass February 14th, 2010 12:21 PM

Hi Stuart I have a set of three 800watt redheads with daylight dichroic filters that could be used, they are a lot more powerful than any of those fluorescent lights and as I am based in Co Durham they could be available for hire as I am only 50 miles away.

PM me if you still need any assistance, I have a fourth one if you need any more but three should be enough.

Stuart Graham February 17th, 2010 12:21 PM

Thanks Dean: that looks like a great setup you have there, everyone looks very evenly lit.

Thanks Gary: I've shot the footage now with half CTBs over my tungstens but I'll bare you in mind for my next film ;)

Thanks for the link Dean, I've saved the PDF to my computer now for future reference.

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