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Guest March 16th, 2007 09:49 AM

Short Movie "Morphology" -

Morphology: http://studentpages.scad.edu/~maslan20/Morphology.mov

Long story short about the making of this movie: I had a near death experience in quicksand.

Please tell me what you think of the short movie!

Hope you like it! :-)

Daniel Browning March 16th, 2007 10:58 AM

Wow! Very entertaining. You did an amazing job in post. Engaging story, good music, appropriate mood changes between between storyteller and story. I like the prevalent use of foreground objects. I would have preferred tripod or dolly shots in the opening scenes, but I think the timing of the introductions were great. The lighting was excellent, especially in the dick tracey office scene.

Dante Waters March 16th, 2007 11:57 AM

Great job, must say I love the work.
Excellent Cinematography. The audio was
excellent as well.

How long did this take you? And did you use p2 cards all the way?

Andzei Matsukevits March 17th, 2007 01:33 AM

did you use stock HVX to shoot it?

steadycam shots were really nice, made me wanna buy it, but I wont...

Colors and editing are perfect, not sure about story. Maybe i have to watch it again to get the point.

Dont like colors were three narrators are, very video like. I think it was weakest part in film.

Nice job anyway!

Pablo Lozano March 21st, 2007 12:36 AM

Nice job Marco
I have to say that I am really impressed by the quality of the imagines. If you can get that with the HVX, just forget about the HDV cameras. There is a very nice job of photografy and I donīt think you realize that it is video. I am sure that if you dont say anything, most of the people never would thought about that.
What about the main actor under the rain? Is he alive?
Good luck and congratulations

Guest March 26th, 2007 12:23 AM

Hey thanks everyone for the compliments and opinons! Thx for the feedback !
nope, no stock footage

Angel Mario March 26th, 2007 02:27 PM

Ive been trying to use compressor in FCP to compress a video to upload to the internet, but, when i do it, i see that it compress it and takes away color and quality. The question is

I don see this in your video, it looks and feels great... what compressor setting or how did you compress it to not loose quality and be able to upload it to the net???

Guest March 26th, 2007 03:55 PM

I usually use conversion - broadband high... I never used FCP compressor.

conversion or a program called Cleaner (6)

Barry Kay March 30th, 2007 01:56 AM

Absolutely impressive videography...everything everyone said here about that goes double for me. Good skills. Good pictures. Impressive results.

You deserve to be congradulated. It will take me maybe a year to get such fine results (well...too, I don't have enough $$$ to get my camera till August-Sept.).

I hope my overwhelming praise of this work is clear.

But, um...what was this story about? Loss young man looking to either:
1. Get drunk.
2. Get a girl
3. Get home or to his memories and connections of home
4. scripting writing.

Or All of the Above.?

Maybe it was perfect for your intended audience, esp. if they spoke French.
What did the French song mean? What did the French words mean?

It all seems so vague and 'arbitary.' Like...lets have him in the cold, lets have him in the desert, lets give him a music box prop, lets add a girl...sort of artificial, phony, made up, not real, not gripping....why didn't you add an elephant to the script?

Why? Why not?

I tell ya what I would have liked at the end, rather then the character running...for reasons unknown...across a stream/river.
Was he going for the girl. Was there more booze on the other side. Did he like to see the water splash?

Well..the only salvation I saw possible to the script was maybe if the character and the girl and the music box and the booze all showed up at the scriptwriters little chat chat...and something Anything...would happen...whatever.

Was this about the guy? Was this about the scriptwriters? Was this about trying to get a date?

Oh my...well...that's my 2-cents...and maybe dilute it to suit your vision and there's also the fact that I live in the desert and whey I see someone in the desert tlhrow away his hat...or drink hard whiskey in the desert sun...well, maybe the end should have seen him in a coffin.

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