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Will Hanlon February 15th, 2006 09:53 PM

HVX200 Batteries
Just double checking, but the HVX200 uses the same batteries as the DVX100A right? What is the biggest battery available for these cameras?

Jeff Kilgroe February 15th, 2006 10:41 PM

Yes, it uses the same batteries. Although Panny recommends larger batteries like 5000mAh or larger.

The best battery deals out there right now are the 5600mAh DVXuser battery for $89, see www.dvxuser.com or the 6000mAh battery from Spec-Comm for $99, see www.spec-comm.com for more info.

Peter Jefferson February 16th, 2006 04:56 AM

i was actually going to ask about battery power...
any ideas to the difference between the 2 with regard to power consumption??

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