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Sam Alcoff April 3rd, 2008 03:23 PM

How long should I wait for an update to the hvx200?
I'm sorry if this seems like the same old question, but I'd love to know what others are thinking.
I bought the dvx100 just before the A and then B upgrades. I've swore never to do that again and have been patiently waiting for the next generation of hvx200. We're hitting the three year mark and while they have the AG-HPX500 for twice the price and the new AG-HMC70U which is a grade below what I want to work with, there hasn't been hide nor hair in change with the hvx200. I can't afford more than 10k, but want something I can really exercise and not be stuck in prosumer land (i.e., I don't want to go into hdv).

I know that NAB is coming up, but with panasonic's announcements silent on any hvx issue, is it time to look elsewhere? Sony has the new xdcam ex; are other people waiting around for an update with the hvx or is this being resigned as a lost cause? What other cameras are people considering? Thanks.

Robert Lane April 4th, 2008 08:17 AM

With NAB literally just around the corner you'd be well advised to wait. Panny has been very quiet the past year about future plans so trust me, you and hundreds others watching this forum are asking the same questions - and have similar hopes.

Hang on a little longer and wait and see, let's just hope they don't disappoint.

Tim Polster April 4th, 2008 08:51 AM

I am waiting and watching!

Joe Lawry April 4th, 2008 10:17 PM

If you have the work NOW, then you need a camera now.. so buy an hvx.

However if you can afford to wait a few months for a possible new hvx that MIGHT be released at NAB to actually start shipping.. then wait.

I had the work now so picked up an hvx last month, its half paid off already.

If panasonic release something at NAB, by the time it starts shipping the hvx will be fully paid off and depending what MIGHT be released, i'll pick up another.

Benjamin Hill April 6th, 2008 09:41 AM

There will always be something "better" around the corner. In the past couple years the HVX has proven to be a really versatile tool so if you have projects and deadlines looming and don't want to work with HDV, it seems like an easy decision.

Barry Green April 7th, 2008 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Sam Alcoff (Post 853797)
We're hitting the three year mark

We're nowhere NEAR the three year mark! The first HVXs hit the store shelves in the last couple of days of December, and were in extremely short supply for the first several months. So there are very few people who have even had an HVX for two years yet.

Not saying it's not time for an update, I'm just trying to give the proper lineage. The HVX has been out for 2 years and 1 quarter.


I know that NAB is coming up, but with panasonic's announcements silent on any hvx issue, is it time to look elsewhere? Sony has the new xdcam ex; are other people waiting around for an update with the hvx or is this being resigned as a lost cause?
Panasonic introduced the DVX at NAB 2002. They introduced the HVX at NAB 2005. They introduced the HPX3000 at NAB 2007. The NAB press conference is about six days away. There may or may not be an update, but if there's an update it's more than likely going to be announced at this show. So if you're not in a tremendous bind right now and can afford to wait six days, what do you have to lose?

R. L. Appling April 17th, 2008 08:35 PM

Nab 2008
Not to rush you or anythin' - now that NAB is here (and I cant go), what say Barry Wan Kenobi? What is the state of the union? :)

Sam Alcoff April 18th, 2008 09:36 AM

release and reviews
I'm very curious about the update. So far, it's unclear to me when the new hvx200a will be released. I also want to read about the update and comparison with the hvx200 vis-a-vis the new claims by Panasonic about it in low light and whatever. The other camera that is tempting me is, surprising absolutely no one, Sony's new PMW-EX1. I've been really hesitant about cmos because I want the ability to do more creative stuff with the camera and the rolling shutter makes me worried. I'd be really curious to hear people's thoughts. Thanks in advance.

Shahryar Rizvi April 18th, 2008 03:51 PM

I'm interested in this too, but I think the AG-HVX200 will be a bit out my price range. I'm currently a Sony HC1 owner looking to upgrade. I'd like to find something that can record my stand up videos better and have more potential for doing a short film. And being at a lot of stand up places, I have the perk of being able to record stand up vids and sell the DVDs to people to help make some of the money back on the camera. I Think the Canon XH-A1 is bit more up my alley. This is strictly looking at B&H photo's prices on the two though. Looking at ebay prices and the HVX200 doesn't seem too bad, but I worry about the costs of accessories.

I'd love to see what others think even if I may ultimately not become a fellow HVX200 owner.

Kevin Railsback April 18th, 2008 04:47 PM

The HVX200a is out right now. I know a company that has them sitting on their shelves today.

Shahryar Rizvi April 18th, 2008 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Kevin Railsback (Post 863120)
The HVX200a is out right now. I know a company that has them sitting on their shelves today.

Hmm.. would the 200a be significantly more than the 200?

Robert Lane April 19th, 2008 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Kevin Railsback (Post 863120)
The HVX200a is out right now. I know a company that has them sitting on their shelves today.

So... are you going to spill the beans or keep us guessing? (laughs)

Dan Brockett April 19th, 2008 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Shahryar Rizvi (Post 863140)
Hmm.. would the 200a be significantly more than the 200?

Same list price.


Barry Green April 19th, 2008 05:35 PM

200A is out now, and it's the same price as the 200 was. The only things changed are the chipset, which gives you four benefits:
1) It's a half stop faster, putting it at ISO 500 instead of ISO 320. It now basically matches the EX1 for sensitivity in 1080P mode.

2) It's a lot cleaner in noise. I put up a clip to show the difference; the whites to medium-dark grays are now basically noiseless, and while there's still a little noise in the darkest grays/blacks, it's now much more of a match for the EX1.

3) They've improved the vertical smear performance. The HVX was already pretty darn good in smear (bright lights blooming and causing a vertical stripe across the entire frame) and they've even improved that.

4) You get a tiny bit wider field of view. My guess is the chipset is a little bigger, so you get about 7% wider field of view.

Nothing else was changed on the 200A. All the other changes were made to the new model, the HPX170, which has nearly 30 changes from the HVX200... so far. There might be other changes once we get a chance to dig into the menus and see what all's in there.

Kevin Shaw April 20th, 2008 06:54 AM

So the 200a still has a native sensor resolution of 960x540 pixels?

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