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Ryan Harrell January 3rd, 2008 09:35 PM

Panasonic DVCPRO Cams
Sad Story, I even called their rep with this question and he did not know.
I am looking into what Panasonic Cams shoot at a true 1920 by 1080 instead of the 1440 by 1080...Does anyone know if the HPX-500 and the HDX-900 and the HPX-2000 model do or not?

Chris Hurd January 3rd, 2008 09:42 PM

What difference does it make?

Kaku Ito January 3rd, 2008 10:43 PM

DVCPRO codec itself is not full HD, even Sony HDCAM is not.

But any DVCPRO cam (gotta be P2 I guess) with AVC Intra would record in full 1920 x 1080.

Jan Crittenden Livingston January 4th, 2008 05:53 AM


People do get confused when they see the pixel count in the recording and say that it isn't real HD because it does not have the full raster. This is a matter of choice in the compression part of the signal Each manufacture makes a choice of what frequencies to pre-filter and from that it derives the "map" of the recording. Depending on the codec, a full 1920 X 1080 could be awesome if the codec can handle it, keep in mind the more data the more compression. So if we look at the AVC-Intra Codec, it can handle it, if we look at the DVCPRO HD codec, it is better to prefilter as it will just create noise and compression artifacts.

All that said, it is full HD and what comes out of any of the HD cameras that have pre-filtering be it HDCAM, XDCAM HD or DVCPRO HD, it is real HD.

Hope this helps,


Barry Green January 5th, 2008 02:51 AM

All the Panasonic HD cameras "shoot" 1920x1080. They all scan their chips at 1920x1080 and do all internal processing at 1920x1080, and they all output their footage (over HD-SDI) at 1920x1080.

DVCPRO-HD cannot RECORD 1920x1080. AVC-Intra can, and you can get AVC-Intra on the HPX2000 and HPX3000.

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