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Steve Nunez November 3rd, 2003 11:42 PM

DVC80 stills and video clip (custom bike)
Hey guys,

I've purchased a DVC80 and am very pleased with it's performance, however work has left me with little time to use the camcorder, so I've decided to combine the 2 passions of mine into a webpage......I'm a custom motorcycle airbrush artist and will be featuring several of my motorcycle paintjobs at the 2004 NY Motocycle Expo at the Jacob Javits Center.....here's a webpage I created today from stills captured off the DVC80 as well as a short video....hope you guys like it...it's my only chance to combine the 2 interests into 1.....well here goes......


Rob Easler November 4th, 2003 09:14 AM

Thanks for posting I love watching clips. Did you notice your white balance shifted partway through your clip? It changed at just over halfway where the word pin up is about mid screen in the crawl. You can see it more in the stills. In some the pavement and seat is bluish instead of charcol. Not a critisism, just mentioning it.

Steve Nunez November 4th, 2003 06:04 PM


actually I did notice it- I had the camcorder stopped and resumed shooting but with the "auto" mode off and it "blued" the wb setting....after I noticed it, I corrected it with a new wb setting...(but I actually liked the "mood" the off blue balance created- it looks fantastic in full DV)

...boy can't get anything by you guys- you guys are sharp!

Rob Easler November 4th, 2003 06:30 PM

Oops I missed the fact that you painted the bikes. You need to be on American Chopper or Monster Garage. Very sweeeeeet work.

Steve Nunez November 4th, 2003 08:13 PM

Rob......actually our shop was approached about doing a possible show for the Discovery Channel featuring my airbrushed motorcycle creations....nothing final or definite yet but it's in the works.....I'm excitied about what it would do to me personally and financially but I'm also a little excited about working with a production team as a subject- I think i'd feel better if I were shooting the camera- hahah

I'm excited about the future.....I'll keep you guys posted.

Daniel Kautz November 4th, 2003 09:53 PM


I just ordered a DVC80 last Sunday. Posted a "brag" a few minutes ago. I like your captures. They look great!

Will you comment on how you got them? Just a cut from Post? What NLE... etc.


Dan Kautz

Peter J Alessandria November 4th, 2003 10:01 PM

Hey - very nice Steve! Your artwork and video work! Good luck.

Adrian Douglas November 4th, 2003 10:18 PM


you should set the QT to 'paused at start'. I was looking at your shots and the page kept stalling as the QT streamed.

I've been around Harley's and custom bikes nearly all my life and your's is some of the best work I've ever seen. I really hope you can do something with your two passions.

Steve Nunez November 5th, 2003 06:45 PM

Thank you guys for the nice compliments.

Adrian, I find that most broadband users are getting the stream well within playable parameters where the page loads and the video loads without stalling- if someone else e-mails me about having a problem I'll go with your recommendation and have the video paused on start upon download- thanks for the tip and recommended setting.

Daniel, welcome to the DVC80- it's a great camera and you made a solid choice in a DV camera. To get those stills all I did was play the dv video in full dv quality in Quicktime and "export" to still image and have "deinterlace or combine fields" on (something like that- that removes the interlaced fields)......then resized them with a custom action I made in Adobe Photoshop 7 (u can deinterlace in PS7 as well if you don't have QT Pro)

Daniel Kautz November 5th, 2003 06:56 PM


Thanks for the info. The "brag" on P30 is it's good frame capture (which I understand and don't doubt) for stills. Your 60i grabs look *great* at least for web publication and that is all I would be interested in doing.


Dan Kautz

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