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Mark Monciardini August 15th, 2003 04:02 PM

New DVX100 Clip from Wedding
This is for folks that would like to see the quality of the DVX100. This is the first serious work that I have shot so far and wanted to post it.

I'm opening up a brand new wedding videography company soon and I'm already doing work word-of mouth from friends.

Anyway. QuickTime Clip is 24fps/15megs/1min?

The clip is about 75% 24p and the rest is 60i. 60i parts were taken down to 24fps to blend in better with 60i clips. 60i was use only in very low lighting situations. This was done without an on-camera light (which I will be definitely using next time). Shutter is set to the default setting (forgot what that was). Lenses used were 1 UV lens and a Polarized lens. NLE Program was Vegas Video 4.0. Color images enhanced with Brightness & Contrast and Color balance was also applied. 16x9 bars added for a Cine-Like look. No wide-angle lens attached (and also because I don't like the "square" look). Panasonic MiniDV Metal tapes used/60min. 2 5300mAh Panasonic Batteries used. They both lasted me the intire 6 hour day. Great batts!

Anyway, take a look. Feedbacks welcome.


Clayton Farr August 15th, 2003 07:16 PM

Nice work Mark!

Very nice compositions, shot selections, and editing. The lighting you captured (enhanced in post?) in a natural/uncontrolled environment was very attractive. The edit does a good job of conveying the joy and energy of the event.

I haven't edited any wedding videos so take this with a grain of salt, but I wonder if it might have too many T&A shots (was this accidental?) and too few/too short shots of the bride? Otherwise, great work - nice to see what the DVX100 can do in this context.


Mark Monciardini August 15th, 2003 07:39 PM

Thanks for the feedback. Could you tell me what you mean with T&A. Not familiar with that term?

Yes I thought about the Bride shots too. But once I had a bride tell me there was not a lot of "family" in the shots too. So I combined it all together.

This is actually the beginning to a romantic "all bride and groom" part of the video. And this part of the video was just to "open up" the reception portion. I wanted it to give the feel of what it was like to actually be there with all the people and fun etc.

Thanks so much! Didn't think I was going to get any feedback. Means allot.

Good eye.

Mark Monciardini August 15th, 2003 07:40 PM

p.s. I'm moving to SaltLakeCity for business.

Clayton Farr August 15th, 2003 10:51 PM

<<<-- Thanks for the feedback. Could you tell me what you mean with T&A. Not familiar with that term? -->>>

Hi Mark,

I guess the routine from 'A Chorus Line' must have been going through my head...

Without being crass, I was referring to the 'breasts and bottoms' shots. I have only watched it once, but a prolonged pan across a number of bride's maids backsides sticks out in memory as does a pronounced chest shot of the bride. (Pronounced I guess since it lasts much longer than any close-up shots of her face.) But, perhaps all of this is in the eye of the beholder ;)

Also, you're right - it's probably not as important to focus on bride/groom too much during a sequence like this if it is part of a larger whole. Again, nice work. Best of luck on your move - SLC is a rather nice place for the people and geography, it's just run a bit screwy most of the time.

- Clayton

PS - I just watched it again to make sure that I was not up in the night. I think my first impression came from a good number of the shots happening to be at torso level, cutting off the person's face (perhaps due to letterbox.) And in the bride shot it becomes especially pronounced due to 'shaking rhythms of the music'... I actually think it makes it all a bit more playful and personable if you have that rapport with the bride/groom/family.

The music also worked very well - was this canned, from a musician, or something you put together?

Mark Monciardini August 16th, 2003 11:45 AM

Thanks Clayton. That's funny because I was sitting here trying to figure out what T&A ment and the only thing I could think of was "Tits & Ass" and sure enough that was right on! I'm not sure why but somthing made me throw a little "sexy" into the video. But I better be carful.

Music was pulled from a collection of samba mp3's.

Peter Jefferson August 17th, 2003 10:35 AM

really nice work mate,
all the shots as well as tunage blended well, but theres just one thing...

the final shot of the bride isnt the most flattering...
She just seemed a little self concious and it looked a little umm.. strained?... cant think of a way to descibe it, but it jsut doesnt do it for me for some reason...

can you drag out the ful body shot dress scene? (second last shot) as that would have a better impact on your target.

also you might want to add a short Production House Intro in the begining and watermark a corner for web useage. this way potentials will know whos work theyre looking at :)

good stuf!!

James Bylewski August 18th, 2003 03:02 PM

I am interested in this cam,does anyone have it or any first hand info about it? It looks sweet and just like what i want.Help i need info.

James Bylewski August 18th, 2003 03:10 PM

mark thomas video
I went to your link and couldnt download your wedding clip.Then tried your site and also couldnt get any more info on the clip.I am curious about your dvx100.I am considering the dvc80 at this point.Only because i dont really have any use for 24p.I shoot mostly weddings and some rock shows.I like the 60i personally for speed and flow.Visit our site too.It's JKVideo.com

Young Lee August 18th, 2003 11:41 PM

Whoa, how did you get the Korean song (that had Latin flavor)? :) I was quite surprised when I heard that.

Great job on your wedding video.

Mike Zorger August 20th, 2003 05:25 AM

was that shot in 24p mode?

Mark Monciardini August 20th, 2003 07:34 PM

Not all of it, about 75% or maybe a little less.

My next wedding is on August 30th and it will be all 24p. I'm also doing a Love Story before that which will be all 24p. I'll post the clips when completled.

Patricia Kim August 22nd, 2003 09:18 PM

Finally managed (on dial-up) to download your clip. Love the veneer. I agree with Peter Jefferson about the last shot of the bride, in terms of a memento video, but just wanted to add that if you ever plan to do a documentary, say, something called "Wedding in America," that last shot would be a terrific closing social commentary. I think it conveys all the tension that goes into putting on a wedding - and hints at some of the uncertainties ahead. Maybe not a commentary everyone would want to hear/see about weddings, but still a commentary that has the ring of truth, which not everyone manages to make through film or video.

Yang Wen August 23rd, 2003 08:00 PM

Good looking clip, considering that it was also compressed for web. How did you get those dolly shots in the beginning? I like the use of the theme from Meet Joe Black. What if any problems did this camera present to you for this wedding?

Mark Monciardini August 23rd, 2003 08:29 PM

Thanks Yang.

The Brightness & Contrast was enhanced on the web clips. Everything was done handheld. I hardly have any equipment being that it's a new business and this is my 2nd wedding.

Problems? I don't think any at all. Other then not having a camera light and no cordless mics was a bummer, but nothing to do with the camera.

I did discover that you can't focus when the cam is fully telephoto (zoomed in fully). And the focus ring can be annoying at times because it never stops, hard to tell where it's set sometimes. unlike still cameras that I am used it.

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