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Frank Granovski March 24th, 2003 08:35 PM

Have you ever done this?
Has anyone ever dropped their MX cam? Not me. I've got the strap on---the one that goes around the neck. I have dropped a German rangefinder once. It broke of course.

Next question. Has anyone ever knocked over their tripod (with the cam attached)? Nope, not me. But I have seen it done!

Frank Granovski March 25th, 2003 01:16 AM

Come on. Doesn't anyone have a sad story to tell? Everyone's perfect here? Did I tell you the one about my friend kicking his cam? Now that, my friends, is a great story!

Zac Stein March 25th, 2003 01:42 AM

I have a story,

It was not exactly anyones fault, before i owned my camera, we borrowed a camera from university, a pd150, well lets just say it was so badly mistreated before we got our hands on it, on our first day of shooting, we took it out of the case, put it on the tripod, turned it on, went to focus and the entire front lens assembly fell off the camera.


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