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Paul Jason August 17th, 2003 11:42 PM

Best tape for GS100K
Who makes the best tape for the GS100K? and where can I get them?

Frank Granovski August 17th, 2003 11:47 PM

I think Fuji makes the best miniDV tape, and I've never had a bad one yet. That's my opinion though.


I live in Vancouver, and here Superstore and London Drugs has the best deals. Depending on where you live, I guess, try our tape sponsor.

Samuel Raj August 17th, 2003 11:48 PM


I use TDK, as for as I know, TDK works best with Panasonic gs100k, because the lubricant they use is very similar to panasonic tape.

TDK never gave any problems. Infact i mixed TDK with Maxel, no problem.

Of course Panasonic tape on a Panasonic product, thats a perfect match!

Paul Jason August 18th, 2003 11:07 AM

Does the Fuji miniDV tape have the memory chip in it? ( IC chip) does it use a wet or dry lubricant? Also, Does the Fuji compare closer to the Panasonic Master Quality tapes or to the Panasonic standard miniDV tapes?

Frank Granovski August 18th, 2003 12:54 PM

Isn't that chip for some Sony cams only? There's no mem chip. Fuji is "dry."

Paul Jason August 18th, 2003 03:42 PM

I have no idea, That is why I asked you:-))

Frank Granovski August 18th, 2003 04:12 PM

Don't worry about the chip. It's for some Sony cams only. :)

Paul Jason August 18th, 2003 06:52 PM

Ok, The chip is out. Now, If I use a panasonic miniDV tape say something like a Professional quality 60-minute DVC (Mini DV) tape, could I still use another type from the same company like a Panasonic 63 Minute Master Quality MiniDV Tape. I can't seem to find any Fuji tape in my local stores. There are lots of Panasonic. If Fuji is a much better tape then I will just buy it on-line. Thanks for all your help!

Frank Granovski August 18th, 2003 07:08 PM

Paul, read that link I gave you. (It's not a good thing to mix tapes.)

Paul Jason August 18th, 2003 07:23 PM

I did read it. I understood it as not to mix tapes of different brands. I thought you just had to stick with the same brand. You are telling me I have to use the same model as well as brand. Right?

Frank Granovski August 18th, 2003 08:14 PM

Right. Not all brand models are the same, plus their formulas change from time to time---not so with Fuji. Fuji comes with always the lubricant. Fuji also makes other high quality media: other types of tape, photographic film, and 35mm motion picture film, to mention a few.

Paul Jason August 18th, 2003 11:47 PM

A big thank you goes out to Frank and the others that gave me input on this subject. I learned a big lesson today. Research all you can, ask all the questions you can and when the day is done just follow Franks advice. At least that's the way this quest took me.

Aylwin Cal August 19th, 2003 08:06 AM

Hmmm... looks like I've arrived at this thread a little too late.

I've read the dvfreak link previously and remembered that Fuji or Panasonic are the brands to buy. Couldn't find Fuji so I went for Panasonic. There was a 3-pack for around $10 and a single tape for around $6. Naturally, I bought the 3-pack.

So far, I've recorded about 3 minutes on the brand new GS100K with the cheap Panasonic tape. Should I discard the cheap ones and buy the more expensive one? Would it be okay to finish the 3-pack and then switch? Or, since mixing isn't a good thing, would it be okay to just stick with the cheap Panasonic forever?

I just want to take family videos, nothing "professional". The best quality isn't a high priority for me but good quality is. Also, I want to avoid any future problems by getting everything right from the start.

Bogdan Vaglarov August 19th, 2003 10:13 AM

You'll be laughing but here in Japan the Fujis are cheaper than Panasonic.
I was also wondering and went for TDK - again cheaper than Pana.

I'm not talking for the Pana master grade but I haven't seen in shop the higher Fuji or TDK grade. You can check specs on the makers homepages if you can read a little bit Japanese (katakana).
TDK has slightly better specs than Pana and I do believe them. TDK is old media company (only media and espesially strong in tapes).

Fuji has been top for VHS-C tapes as well.
It's a matter of preference.

In the older analog tape world I've been using always TDK never Pana. But for DV might be different - who knows.

Frank Granovski August 19th, 2003 01:45 PM



Read what Jeff wrote. :)

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