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Melvin Partido April 3rd, 2011 11:55 PM

Question on clips on AG HMC 150
I have a "Pinnacle Movie Software" that I utilized when I am downloading Video clips to make it into a family movie. With my other camera, a Canon GL2 mini pro, I download my clips into this software and set the software for 10 seconds for each clip.

With my new AG HMC 150, I noticed that each clip does not have the same amount of time (15, seconds, 30 seconds etc). My question is when I download my clips from my new camera and set my Pinnacle software for 10 second for each clip, will I have problem doing that?

Chris Harding April 4th, 2011 01:44 AM

Re: Question on clips on AG HMC 150
Hi Melvin

Have you actually imported clips into Pinnacle...I would make sure that firstly your version can actually import and handle the AVCHD format..the older versions couldn't but would have handled the DV-AVI format of the GL2.

You do realise that all you need to do is take the card out the camera and copy the MTS files to your drive but you will need a pretty fast processor to handle AVCHD format. At least a QuadCore machine is needed and software that recognises MTS video clips...it sounds like you have a pretty old version there???

Let us have the software version as well as the specs of your computer....and then some help will be possible!!

Also what mode did you record the clips in on the HMC150???


Melvin Partido April 4th, 2011 07:16 PM

Re: Question on clips on AG HMC 150

The following, hopefully, is the information you requested.

My computer is a Hewett Packard model AMD Phenom X4 9650 Quad Core, 7GB of memory, with a 650 GB hard drive.

My software is a Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Version 14. By the way I did check to see if Version handles AVCHD format. It does. AVCHD is one of six type of recordings that this software accepts.


Chris Harding April 4th, 2011 10:06 PM

Re: Question on clips on AG HMC 150
Hi Melvin

That should work fine. Just copy the MTS files from the stream folder on your card (I find it's well worth installing a SDHC card reader in your computer if you don't have one..mine was a mere $20)

Then import the clips onto the timeline as they are...I used to have Pinnacle Version 8 a LONG time ago and that had the 10 second option but you should be able to import the full clips with no issues.

If you are having a problem then send a PM to Bruce Foreman here...he is a friend of mine in Texas and he only uses Pinnacle 14 so he will be able to guide you...Bruce is very helpful and very knowledgeable too!!!


Melvin Partido April 5th, 2011 12:49 AM

Re: Question on clips on AG HMC 150

So your friend Bruce Foreman also uses Pinnacle version 14.

I got a few questions to ask himabout version 14. How do I send a "PM" on this forum? Do I open a new thread and titled it "To Bruce Foreman"?

Chris Harding April 5th, 2011 06:53 AM

Re: Question on clips on AG HMC 150
This should get to his profile :


You can contact him from there


Melvin Partido April 5th, 2011 11:14 AM

Re: Question on clips on AG HMC 150

I did click your link to Bruce Foreman. Sent my email directly to him. As soon As I clicked my email on that link, I was back in the DVINFO forum - and lost. So when Bruce respond to my email, where do I look for his response?


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