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-   -   This looks exciting, 4/3" cmos @ 1080p (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/panasonic-avccam-camcorders/476697-looks-exciting-4-3-cmos-1080p.html)

Cole McDonald April 12th, 2010 06:24 PM

This looks exciting, 4/3" cmos @ 1080p
They don't mention the price point though :(

Panasonic announces Micro Four-Thirds camcorder: Digital Photography Review

Paul Digges April 13th, 2010 12:23 AM

Price point on an article I read put it at 6 grand.

Should definitely be an interesting camera.

Blake Cavett April 14th, 2010 09:31 PM

6k? I'm out...

Dave Partington April 16th, 2010 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Cole McDonald (Post 1513432)

Even at 6K it's going to be interesting. While the sensor size is not as big as the 5D2 for instance, you should still be able to get reasonably shallow DOF, and the sensor should be designed to withstand long shooting times, whereas the 5D2 etc overheat quite quickly.

Bob Diaz April 16th, 2010 10:55 AM

I just got back from NAB, the price point is around $6,000. However, it may be at that point OR it may be lower. We'll know more by DV EXPO (December) when it comes out....

Here's a short video looking over the camera. I'm really sorry that the lighting was very poor and I had to use an LED Flashlight that I had for a fill-in light.

The image sensor if close in size to 35mm movie film, so getting a shallow DOF should be easy with this camera. It also records to SDHC Memory cards, just like the HMC40 & HMC150.

Bob Diaz

Dean Harrington April 20th, 2010 06:21 PM

This camera for Panasonic will bring back the push they experienced with the DVX-100. I still use my DVX and in general love the cinema look that camera gives right out of the box. I also have a Sony EX3 which is another fine camera but the AF-100, if Panasonic keeps to the agenda, will be a very good challenge to higher end cameras when used with something like the NanoFlash. I've heard that HD/SDI out-put with this kind of censor will make 4 K possible? Interesting considering Red's scarlet will be arriving sometime in the Fall of 2010. Except for the faster fps on the Red ... this camera will certainly put a dent in sales of the fixed lens low end scarlet.

Steve Kahn April 22nd, 2010 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dean Harrington (Post 1517260)
This camera for Panasonic will bring back the push they experienced with the DVX-100.

I think you are spot on. This is a very exciting camera and well worth the 6k.

Rainer Listing April 22nd, 2010 04:56 PM

Now lets see what we have here. A camera with all the video qualities of a 2ti, (say $1000) with all the audio qualities of a H4n (say $350) . So let's add a bit to remove the 12 minute limit and the still photo stuff and to put everything in one box. Just because $20000 would have been a reasonable price for such a camera a few years ago does not mean that anything more than $2000 is reasonable for such a camera today.

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