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John Jamieson March 8th, 2006 06:00 AM

Low end realtime "Audio In" Camera options
Hi there,
I I'm keen to record DV camcorder video while having the sound input from my audio mixer (taking the sound from three mics - two presenters and the audience). It seems such a basic need, but I'm finding it really hard to find out which camcorders will allow this. There's always the external mic option, but I've found my mixer 'line' output to be incompatible with my cheap Panasonic GS11EB external mic input - probably impedance or something - get a lot of buzzing. Lots of cameras have audio in for later dubbing, but which ones will allow realtime audio line in while filming?
I'm only looking for the cheapest models for now, and also, I'm particularly interested in which older DV models allow this so I might snap one up on ebay.
Or if thre's another way of use the external mic option instead:clap:
So many thanks for your attention,

Gian Pablo Villamil March 9th, 2006 12:20 AM

Looking for sunrises over world cities
Hello all!

I am working on a personal project, related to the theme of the sun. As part of this, I am looking for footage (preferably in HDV, though DV is also OK) of sunrise over various cities or memorable places around the world.

Ideally it would be one continuous hour showing pre-dawn to sunrise in the same direction, on a DV tape, or DVD-ROM. I will then condense to make an accelerated (timelapse) version.

My proposition is this: anyone who sends me a DV tape with a sunrise will get back a DVD with the collected sunrises.

Please PM me if you are interested!

Roy Bemelmans March 9th, 2006 05:22 AM

Will applying effects or transitions to video always degrade the video quality?
I was wondering, theoretically, will applying effects or transitions to video always degrade the quality of the changed frames (albeit slightly)? Even when working with uncompressed video?

Daniel Wang March 11th, 2006 03:41 AM

Small Kit Advice
I'm building a small kit for my church, for fild production work, both by regular church members, volunteers, and expirienced lenslingers alike. It needs to be a handy cam, and have full audio and support capabilites. We already own a Sennheiser ME/K66, AudioTechnica 815b, Sennheiser G1 EW100 Handheld Condenser and Lavalier ENG set, and multiple handheld dynamic and condenser mics. Lighting (already owned) consists of 2 Lowel Omnis and a Tota Light, Rifalight, and 2 Softlights. Also, we already own a Sony MiniDV/DVCam VTR, and edit equipment, so only a camera, support, and perhaps some other ENG gadgets (on camera light, case, anything you can think of) are needed. 3 Chip with native 16:9 would be a plus, XLR I/O is a MUST. Management prefers a sub $5000 total.

I am looking at the Sony DSR PDX10, it meets most of the requirements, although I have heard that it's low light performance is not the best. Another, the Panasonic DVC30, but I am not sure about it's audio I/O. I was planning on going with Bogen/Manfrotto equipment, but have been looking at Bescor and Libec supports. I think under $200 for both brands, but I might be able to fit $579 for a Sachtler if some things can shift around, but I would love to hear what anybodies expirience with Bescor or Libec supports.

John L Scott March 12th, 2006 11:46 PM

Final answer is....
So what defines film lubricant?? ie: wet or dry
Does it really matter the film type or is it the climate that creates the problem with types of film??????

Tom Kendall March 13th, 2006 02:03 AM

Custom Animations & VFX
Hi everyone.

I was looking for somewhere to post this - this was the best I could find.

We're a group of guys working out of our basement, getting ready to release a new version of our portal for independent media, OfTheWorldTV (http://oftheworld.tv) We do this because we're passionate about freedom of speech, diversity of opinion and indy media.

So we need some money for servers and bandwidth for our upcoming release. We're offering our services publicly, in the form of short custom animations and vfx. We want to provide people with high-end media components for their productions,without it costing them a fortune.

Here's the link http://tinyurl.com/zw2lv

or more examples of our work at http://www.oftheworld.tv/theforge/

I'm sorry if I've posted in the wrong place or broken some DVI protocol - if so I sincerely apologise. We're just trying o contact the community who we hope will appreciate our services the most :)


Tom Johnson March 13th, 2006 08:07 PM

were the heak can i learn about pulldowns. so confused

Michael Salzlechner March 17th, 2006 03:18 PM

DVD trailer
Dont know how to call this exactly. I want to create a little trailer like all movies have for the company that made the movie.

Is there any place where you can get simple stock animations or something like that ?

How did you make yours ? Show us yours ?

Thanks in advance

Jay Varner March 17th, 2006 09:07 PM

How to transfer/ XL-1 to hard drive
All set up siig 1394b, 9pin to 4 pin connection. Now what do i do

Martin Munthe March 22nd, 2006 04:24 PM

The Greatest Exposure Latitude Range Thread
Of all prosumer grade camcorders - DV/HDV/DVCPRO HD - which has the greatest exposure latitude? By that I mean a CCD or CMOS that captures the most information between dark and light. Resolution is not the key here but capturing as good as it get's with the least risk of blowing out bright light sources like windows.

Tell me what you think and what your experience is.

Michael McGruder March 24th, 2006 07:46 AM

DIY - Greenscreen/chromakey/backdrop frame

I found this article on digg.com last night - and I apologize in advance if this has already been repeated somewhere else in any of the forums.


(gotta love Home Depot) :)


Adrian Vallarino March 31st, 2006 05:23 AM

Need Production truck in LA, please advice
I need to rent a small TV production truck for a day in Los Angeles. It is to shoot a 5 de Mayo music event. We need a simple yet professional setup with at least 5 SD cameras and the ability to record to Beta SX , DVCam, DVCPro or XD Cam, any will do.

I was wondering if any of you has had any goo experience with a company that you would like to recommend us. Needles is to say we are low budget. :)

Fred Helm April 1st, 2006 06:26 PM

broken up imagery after render
what is this? Im shooting SDV and editing on Vegas 6, everything is perfect until render. The movement of either the image or panning breaks up the edges of the object? Only does it after render? Rendering Mpeg2 with the NTSC DV Widescreen template. Doesnt seem so bad if rendering .avi but then have to comprees in DVD Architect? Its killing me, I just want to find the freeking render template that works...

Jad Meouchy April 4th, 2006 11:18 AM

Any secret tricks/unlocks for DVL9000U? And advice for 30p
Hi everyone,

I'm very much a newbie, but I do have a few cameras that I've been playing with:
Canon ZR25, ZR65, ZR80
JVC D30, D70, D90
2x JVC DVL9000

I'm most interested in the DVL9000s of course because of 30p, but I'm a little dissatisfied with their resolution. I'm wondering if there are any tricks for this one. Maybe something fun to play with in the EEPROM? I don't mean to find something to improve the quality, but maybe some reason to keep them.

On that note, how do people feel about the 9000? Most of what I shoot is fast motion (cars, skiing, etc) so progressive is a must. Is there another consumer-level camcorder by JVC or maybe Canon that blows the 9000 out of the water?

I need to keep it in cheap consumer cameras because I would want two or three of them. Eventually I will buy a pair of HD10s, but until then...

Jim Montgomery April 9th, 2006 12:44 PM

AE 7.0 Out of Memory Error
When trying to render an After Effects project I keep getting the same error message "After Effects: Out of Memory, 6188K requested." On the render status I show 82% of 2Gb.

Anyone know of a fix or work around?


OK, just increase virtual memory page file to be 4096 for all drives and pointed after effects to my external hard drive so as not to conflict with OS and Vegas on C:. Lets see what happens!

Ouch that didn't take long! Same error.

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