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Bryon Akerman January 20th, 2006 03:04 PM

Need Help finding footage
I am looking for some royalty free footage of an old film camera. Just something basic and it doesnt have to be very long, just a 10 seconds or so.

Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated.

Bryon <><

Andzei Matsukevits January 21st, 2006 09:04 AM

I downloaded Divx converter, it compess video perfectly but in .divx only. How can i get .avi of that?
Or do i need some other compressor/convertor?

Colin Minihan January 21st, 2006 07:44 PM

Digital Interference Productions Inc. NEEDS HELP
on the 22nd... thats Tomorrow... Digital Interference Productions Inc. is shooting a music video with over 50 extras in North Vancouver ---- we need help... read this plz for details http://www.digitalinterference.net/superbeingadd.html

the video is being shipped off to muchmusic and muchmore music along with a giant video / album release party to take place in the next month.

thanks for taking a look, dont hesitate to call the numbers listed in the link , we could really use some help...

Thanks a ton,

Colin Minihan

Muaadh Salih January 22nd, 2006 06:08 PM

DVD on OSX Platform
I have (Toast 6.1 with Jam) installed on G4, OSX0.3.9
We we tried to use Spin Doctor 2.2 to digitise some audio tracks the application returned error ( Toast version 6 is required) . The only version installed is version 6.1( having upgraded from version 5)
I reinstalled , updated every thing but no joy.It was working before OK.
Contacting Roxio is just like tryig to talk with your can of soup !!
anybody have this problem before ?

Adrienne Kitchen January 23rd, 2006 01:03 PM

Sony or Panasonic
Any thoughts on the Panasonic AG DVC60 vs. Sony DSR-250? Picture quality, ease of use, etc?

Mike Cornett January 30th, 2006 08:11 PM

How do you print and design...
DVD case labels and/or CD jewel case labels??

I have a 6 disc DVD/CD_ROM Duplicator and an Epson R200 for printing on the media.

Most of my clients, so far, have been using clear cases with no covers. They all have detrimined that the media can double as the cover if the case is clear. Of course, they save money and most of the media is for training and other promotional give-aways. Paper sleeves have also been popular.

I know, sooner or later, I'll have to design and print a nice label for a client.

What are your favorite...
1- Paper
2- Templates
3- Apps used to create i.e. Photoshop, GIMP, PhotoImpact, Etc.
4- Websites, Downloads, Tutorials
5- Products, Services, or Companies that have impressed you.

Thanks for the input!

Henry Gray January 31st, 2006 12:01 PM

Remote Camera-HELP
I have a Mitsubishi CCD colour video camera (no. CCD-200E) it has an S video
out and a BNC video out connector.
My question is- is it possible to use this camera as a remote device and connect and record to my XL1s.
If it is possible which connections should I use on the XL1s and are there
any settings I should be using to record.

Please help, I have tried several permutations but none seem to work.

John McManimie February 2nd, 2006 04:32 PM

“Re-mixable live action graphic novel”
Interesting idea... In February, Michela Ledwidge is offering all footage for her film Sanctuary and and allowing others to make their own version of the film:


Adam Bray February 18th, 2006 02:36 AM

Check out this Lego cable cam!
I was looking for info on cable cams and I stumbled upon this work of art. Impressive to say the least.


Dylan Couper February 20th, 2006 10:34 AM

DV Challenge #5 is coming!
Ok, ladies and gents, it is TIME!

Dust off that camera, glue that tripod leg back on, and find that tape of your kid's recital you don't mind recording over, because it is DVC5 TIME!

The contest will begin March 9th. Go check out our DVC forum (4th from the top) for more info.

Georg Liigand February 28th, 2006 02:06 PM

Questions regarding to "Super Size Me"
Hi everyone,

Tomorrow they will air the legendary "Super Size Me" movie in TV here and I will certainly watch it. I did some research in IMDB and it's especially interesting that it was filmed with Sony PD150 and together with video and TV releases it has also been shown in cinemas worldwide. Now I'm wondering how does such process work for getting the footage from PD150 into widescreen and then to 35 mm film? Do you think they got good quality out of it?

Also the trailer on http://www.supersizeme.com is in widescreen, I'm curious whether they filmed in the built-in 16:9 or converted later.

If anyone has information on this film or just has ideas, then I happily hear them. Thanks a lot!

Dylan Couper March 2nd, 2006 03:27 PM

Lowepro Lens Trekker backpack, anyone tried it?

Has anyone seen/tested the Lowepro Lens Trekker 600 backpack with a Canon XL series camera? I'm thinking of buying one for slinging my camera around while travelling, and am wondering if it will fit with/without the VF attached, and if so is there room for extra gear/lenses.
I have several other backpacks, but I like this one because the top opens nicely for easy camera access, as opposed to how most backpacks unzip.

Jeff Ray March 3rd, 2006 10:52 AM

Question about shooting slow-mo shots with Panasonic SDX900!!!
Hey guys,

I'm shooting a music video this Sunday (3/5/06) with the Panasonic SDX900 w/Pro35 adapter and Zeiss superspeeds. I plan on shooting slow-mo shots and I'm wondering what is the best way to capture such footage.

If I'm shooting the majority of the video in 24p mode, will my slow motion footage match the 24p footage if I should it in 60i? Isn't that the best way to capture slow-mo footage?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


George Palmier March 6th, 2006 08:02 AM

dv50i or dv25p
Lately I got the JVC HD100. Leaving the HDV apart, when filming in DV (PAL) you can choose between dv50i or dv25p. Although I know what that means technically, I don't know which one to choose. Any info on this please? Thank you for your interest

K. Forman March 7th, 2006 10:35 AM

XL2 vs XL-H1...Which is right for me?
I would for the first time in my history, be able to purchase a new camera, and money won't be an issue. Within reason, that is... don't hurt me.

Anyways, I am looking at the XL2 and the H1. I am set up for standard def DV, and using a Canopus Storm with Premiere 6, on a Win 2K system. Otherwise, the PC is fairly current. I don't really plan on doing Hi def work, but I am looking for a camera that would offer more working potential as a shooter.

Would the H1 be worth the extra few grand, even doing mostly SD?

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