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Wayne Starick May 8th, 2005 08:02 PM

How to film through a window
Later this year we will be travelling across the Rockies and naturally I am looking foward to the opportunity to shoot some of the landscape.

Last time I tried this through a train window, there were lots of annoying reflections from the window. Is there a filter I can buy to minimise this?

For the trip I will be taking my Panasonic GS200, probably with the wide-angle lens screwed on the front. This lens is a Tokina AF 0.65X and I've just noticed that there doesn't appear to be any way of screwing a filter onto the front of it, so maybe I'm snookered before I start - either that or I'll have to leave off the wide-angle lens and screw a filter on in its place!

Glenn Chan May 8th, 2005 08:08 PM

A polarizer in the right orientation can cut the glare from windows and stuff.

Windex may help too.

Lowering the lighting of the train interior may help too, although I could see many cases where this is impossible.

Jack Smith May 8th, 2005 09:34 PM

Make up a little tent with hole in top from black cloth.Tape it to the window
That will eliminate reflections.When you can't use the tent ,shoot at right angles to the glass and keep the front of the lense close(not touching).Shoot some stuff from the opposite side of the train actually emphizing the fact your in a train.Showing seats,windows,passengers,etc.
Also agree with Glenn on the polarizer.(and the Windex)

Wayne Starick May 8th, 2005 11:23 PM

Thanks for all the helpful advice - I'll certainly chase up an appropriate filter from a local video supply store.

The idea of a little tent on the window sounds too intriguing not to try! I can't help wondering what the reaction of fellow passengers might be :o)

Terry Thompson May 8th, 2005 11:31 PM

Good answers!


I was thinking that wearing very dark clothing and making sure you are the reflected background would work well also.


I think the tent idea is great! What other bits of wisdom do you have?


Jack Smith May 9th, 2005 09:59 AM

Terry..... don't bet on the horses. LOL

Terry Thompson May 9th, 2005 01:20 PM


Never do...


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