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Baris Ustun November 6th, 2006 05:50 AM

progressive or interlaced
how can I understand if a file contains interlaced or progressive video.
For instance I have 2 AVI files. One of them is captured from DVX100B F6 25p mode. The other is captured from a panasonic consumer camcorder (GS-55)

I live in the PAL region and I import both files into Adobe premiere standart 25fps timeline. Within Adobe, I right-click and check properties for those files. The information is almost the same.

In Adobe I can choose progressive/interlaced in 2 different menus.
1) Project settings --> Genral --> Video --> Fields
No fields, Lower First, Upper first

2) Export Movie --> Rendering Options
No fields, Lower First, Upper first and deinterlace checkbox.
(in the last case no fileds is chosen by default. so what's the use ? )

I am confused to use which one and to choose which settings to obtain a better quality image from my dvx100 25p shootage.

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