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Sam Shnider September 12th, 2006 07:39 AM

AVID Meridien System/Consumer Cameras
I donated an older AVID XPress System to a high school but I couldn't give them any decks. It imports from analog only using a meridien board.

I tried to hook up a consumer Mini DV camera for them, using A/V cables to RCA, hooking up the video to composite and the audio to audio input. The avid could capture the audio but not the video.

So for now I told them to digitize through firewire to Imovie, and then import to AVID. that worked. Excepts it takes a long time.

But I am thinking it is a Time Base Corrector thing, and I was wondering if it would make sense to go in fire wire through the Canopus ADVC-300 and come out analog, and then hook up to the AVID.

Any advice?

Sam Shnider November 19th, 2006 10:02 PM

Answer to this issue
hooked up the camera through the ADVC 110 transcoder via firewire 4 pin to six pin, and into the AVID box through composite, and it still gets some bleeding of color, but it looks fine. The camera also had an S-video out, just hidden behind the battery pack so I didn't see it at first, (model was a two year old single chip Panasonic PV-GS15.

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