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Robert M Wright March 3rd, 2006 09:11 PM

I haven't ever used Photoshop, but it's my understanding, the two are pretty comparable. I started learning Paint Shop Pro years ago, like it, and never felt a need to try Photoshop. I know that many people get great results using Photoshop. I've never read anything credible that would indicate either one to be superior to the other.

Emre Safak March 3rd, 2006 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Robert M Wright
Emre - Out of curiosity, I'd love to see that image at full res. Looks like you got the branches a lot better than I did. How did you desaturate the color in the branches without losing the color in the woman's face?

I don't have anything higher resolution; I used the link in the first post. I took another stab at it based on David's reference [PSD] [JPEG]. I like this version more because the skin tones are smoother and more faithful. I left the cool highlights this time because that's what they would look like in real life. I left some color in the trees too, but you can suppress it by increasing the lightness and decreasing the saturation of the cyan channel. The most notable thing I did in this version is to use the Channel Mixer to recreate the blue channel from the red (new blue=80% old blue + 20% old red). If you look at the blue channel you will see that it is seriously damaged.

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