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Jerry Tomljenovic December 3rd, 2004 08:28 PM

Video Conversion Problem... HELP!!!!
Under direction from a friend I created a picture slideshow set to music in windows xp using their proprietary "Windows Movie Maker" .

I wanted to create a 200 picture slideshow set to "snip-its" of music for playback on my dvd player at a conference for tomorrow.

Long story short... I created this file and saved it using the only option available which saved it as a ****.wmv extension. When I went to view this using my dvd player, nothing shows but a menu. There is no video to play etc. I am very certain as I tried every option available on the machine to try and get ANYTHING to play.

Now I am told I must have this converted to a VCD file?? Someone suggested Muvee producer... I downloaded this but it doesn;t recognize the .wmv extension "improper file format" I believe it said.

In any case, I am panicking here as I spent 10 hours creating this blasted thing and I am only able to view it on my computer.

How can I convert a .wmv file to a VCD file for viewing on a dvd machine????



George Ellis December 3rd, 2004 10:34 PM

You will need to make the file a MPEG2 file, but you cannot do that directly in Movie Maker. The best method is Save the Movie to My Computer. Name it and click Next. Select the Show More Choices. Select the Other Settings radio button and then pick DV-AVI.

Now, you need a DVD tool that will convert AVI to MPEG. Nero may do this, but I cannot tell you how at the moment as I am burning DVDs in Nero and do not want to interrupt it. ;)

A good resource is www.videohelp.com

There are tools, tutorials, and resources that can show a whole bunch of low budget methods of converting this. It will also have directions on VCD creation, but DVD is much better quality. The AVI file will get you there by the easier method from WMM.

Dave Perry December 4th, 2004 01:41 AM


Your .wmv file needs to be encoded to MPEG2 then a video_TS folder needs to be created with the appropriate .VOB files. This is done by bringing the .wmv file into a DVD authoring program. I'm no longer familiar with the pc world, as I now use a Mac, but the pc software to do this is readily available, more so than for the Mac.

Maybe George's reply has more info. Not sure why he posted it the Non Linear editors for PCs forum though.

Rob Lohman December 6th, 2004 03:18 AM

Jerry: I've merged your two threads into this one.

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