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Graham Jones July 9th, 2004 02:48 AM

Where to save project file
I'm editing on a PC with a bundled NLE and have a 250GB external harddrive which I've specified as the location for capturing video and intend to use for all video files.

When saving the actual project is it a good idea to also save on the external harddrive... or is that best stored on the regular hard drive in the main part of the computer - like the NLE itself?



Ed Smith July 9th, 2004 03:03 AM

Hi Graham,

I tend to keep the project file with the associated media all in 1 (project) folder on the same media drive. That way you know where everything is.

To be honest I don't think it actually matters too much, just as long as you can find it when you need it. I don't think there is any advantage in speed no matter where the project file is placed.

Graham Jones July 9th, 2004 04:19 AM

Yeah. It would have been my inclination to save the project file on the external harddrive - I purchased the drive for this specific project. Just heard that the NLE and the video files should run off different drives and wondered if same applied to the project file and the video files to which it relates. It's easier that it doesn't! Thanks.

Richard Alvarez July 9th, 2004 07:01 AM

I would keep the project files on the same hard drive as the program. I would also recommend saving a copy of the project file to disk when you are done, that way you can always recapture the media if the media drive fails.

Graham Jones July 9th, 2004 07:05 AM

'I would keep the project files on the same hard drive as the program. I would also recommend saving a copy of the project file to disk when you are done, that way you can always recapture the media if the media drive fails.'

So you mean, for example..

C: NLE, Project/s

G: Video Files

Rob Lohman July 10th, 2004 05:37 AM

I use the following strategy:

1) all media (captured, processed, encoded, stills etc.) are on one of my "project" drives

2) the project file itself is in the root of the projects directory. Every time (minimum timespan is a day) I work on a project I save it under a new name, like this:


This gives me multiple files to go back to earlier versions and as
a backup if something where to happen to the latest file (not in
the sense that it was deleted but more if it got corrupted). With
bigger projects or projects that take a while to complete I usually
backup the project files to a seperate harddisk and/or CD.

Richard Alvarez July 10th, 2004 11:05 AM

Yeah, for me, in Avid XpressPro, my omf files (media files) are on my E and F drives. The system drive C, holds the program and "Projects" folders, along with the user preferences and assorted programs. I back up the "project" files to disk, when completed. Avid has an "attic" that automatically backs up copies of the project that you can regulate as to the number of copies it keeps. So if a project becomes corrupted, you can go back to an earlier version. The actual Project files are very small, and take up little space.

Graham Jones July 11th, 2004 06:41 AM

Thanks guys - that has clued me in.

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