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David Korb June 13th, 2004 09:30 PM

2 camera editing with pinnacle 9
I have a budget nle and i am using 2 camera's...does anyone know an easy way to co-ordinate 2 camera angles with pinnacle 9 ... im only allowed one time line...but i need one above the other from each camera so i can switch between the 2 angles...any help would be greatly appreciated...
to be specific i have over 6 hours of video from 2 cameras of huge wedding...some how i have to saw this down to about one and a half hour video

George Ellis June 14th, 2004 03:55 AM

Check Mike Shaw's page. He may have something to help.


Andy Browne July 16th, 2004 01:39 PM

To do real two cam editing, you need to have multiple video layers. Unfortunately, in P9, you dont have it. That also means no real insert edits as well.

I suggest you move up tp Liquid Edition if that is your desire.

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