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Lambis Stratoudakis January 15th, 2004 10:13 AM

How to connect a camera to four computers simultaneously via firewire

At work we have 4 editing station 2 PC's(Avid Xress DV) and 2 Apple (Final cut Pro)
What we like to do ist to connect via firewire all the 4 Stations to
a Mini DV Player Recorder.

Is there any hardware (hub maybe) that can connect 4 Computers via firewire to one Mini DV Player Recorder / Camera??



Jonathan Stanley January 15th, 2004 11:12 AM

Yes there is a firewire hub that I have seen at Markertek. You hook up all 4 comps to the hub, and simply press a button to choose which IEEE route you want. It was rack mountable, but also a bit pricey in my opinion. B&H also has some, just go to their webpage and type in "firewire switcher" in the search box.

Lambis Stratoudakis January 15th, 2004 12:53 PM

Thanks Jonathan.

They are a bit pricey. I was thinking more something like this:


But I ask me if a Firewire Hub is what I need.

Jonathan Stanley January 15th, 2004 02:25 PM

No, the hub you have listed would be if you had 4 firewire devices that you wanted to connect to ONE computer. Your problem is the opposite. I believe you have to have a switcher, not a hub, for what you are asking for.

Hope that helps.

Lambis Stratoudakis January 15th, 2004 04:01 PM

I understand now.
Thanks very much Jonathan .
The only want I need is to find a cheap one firewire switcher.


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