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Ryan Krga January 8th, 2004 04:52 PM

Extendeding the taskbar across two monitors...
I just recently purchased the Radeon 9600 Pro 128 MB video card. The quality and performance is amazing. I want to make the taskbar go all the way to the end of my second monitor so the start button is at the beginning of the first monitor and the time is at the end of the second monitor.

Can this be done?

Ryan Krga

Adrian Douglas January 8th, 2004 11:31 PM

It all depends on the driver software and utilities that control the card. Have a look at the software that came with the card and you might find something

Rob Lohman January 9th, 2004 02:50 PM

By default this isn't possible in Windows. Your gfx drivers might
support it, if they don't, I do think there are utilities out
there (seperate) from the card who can do this. Try a google
search on those keywords.

Matt Blair January 9th, 2004 04:40 PM

Hey there, Ryan. . . .

I have an Nvidia card, and I asked them if I could do the same.

They said that there isn't really a normal consumer use in having the taskbar extend over both monitors, so, they never took the time to program it in.

It probably is possible, though. . .

Steve Withers January 9th, 2004 04:49 PM

Extending the taskbar across both monitors with Nvidia's nView is really quite simple. There's an option in the nView control panel under the "Windows" tab I think.

Glenn Chan January 9th, 2004 05:16 PM

Nvidias can do it and ATIs can't I think.

http://www.tech-report.com/reviews/2...n/index.x?pg=1 <-- that article says that but it's dated. ATI may have released better drivers???

Matt Blair January 9th, 2004 05:42 PM

<<<-- Originally posted by Steve Withers : Extending the taskbar across both monitors with Nvidia's nView is really quite simple. There's an option in the nView control panel under the "Windows" tab I think. -->>>

I'm looking at it right now. . . it says stuff about "allow windows to span between desktops". . .but, nothing about taskbar spanning. Maybe I have out of date drivers. . . .

Steve Withers January 9th, 2004 10:01 PM

Hmm you're right, i'm looking at it now and there is no option. But I know for a fact there was one. They might have pulled support for it though (if they did it would have been recent) so try an older driver maybe?

Jeff Donald January 9th, 2004 10:18 PM

I believe XP supports this feature, but both monitors must be setup the same (same resolution and refresh rate). Several PC's at school are setup this way, but I'm not sure what video card is being used.

Bryan Mitchell January 13th, 2004 02:46 AM

Its really easy. I've never had ATI so I don't know how to do it with one of those cards, but if you get the nvidia drivers off of their site, and you install nView:

Just right click on your desktop,
Click nView Properties, Go to the Windows tab,
Check the "Allow taskbar to span multiple monitors" checkbox.

I personally, having had dual monitors for over a year now, like having my taskbar on only one monitor, but sometimes I switch it up.

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