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Scott Timothy Wilson April 9th, 2009 10:52 AM

premiere Pro capture format
I'm shooting HD footage and capturing to an HD project in CS3 (not the trial version) but it is looking very grainy when playing back in PP. I notice it saves my captured clips as mpegs, should it be saving as mpeg2 or mpeg4 to get better quality, if possible?

I am a newbie, but still I used the default project settings for an HD project so I thought it would at least look better than 8mm footage!

Adam Gold April 9th, 2009 11:19 AM

Again, exactly what preset are you using? What are the exact settings?

Gareth Watkins April 9th, 2009 11:21 AM

Hi Scott
If you mean the play back before rendering... then check the quality of your play back preference. It is usually set at 'Draft' quality to help if play back in real time.... HD files even on a powerful PC can be a bit jerky if you use the best quality...

Try rendering out the footage and check what that looks like...

I use CS4 ( CS2 before that) and find it fine.


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