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Tom Singleton October 22nd, 2003 10:28 AM

Capture to a laptop through firewire?
Is it possible to capture our church service (just the message around 30 min.) through firewire using the GL2. I know that I can record with the camera and import using Premiere 6.5. This is not a problem. I am trying to save time and capture as it happens.

I would appreciate any comments and suggestions. Right now we do not have a laptop, I am doing the research to see what works.


Tom Singleton

Trevor Kennedy October 22nd, 2003 10:33 AM

I've never personally done it, but I know for a fact that it can be done. Hopefully someone else will reply with more details for you but I wanted to give you the short answer so you didn't have to wait around all day for a reply.


Jeff Donald October 22nd, 2003 11:08 AM

Are you Mac or PC?

Tom Singleton October 22nd, 2003 11:16 AM

Right now I am using PC. I have heard so much about macs that I reallly want to go that way. It would either be a mac or pc laptop. As of now I use PC

Boyd Ostroff October 22nd, 2003 12:57 PM

On the mac you can use BTV Pro for this.

Joe Sacher October 23rd, 2003 01:19 PM

You should be able to do this.. I know Vegas can if I turn of DV device control. The camera streams out DV all the time, while recording or not. You just need a system that can capture it. For some laptops, you might need a hard disk other than the system disk for video, to keep from dropping frames.

Mogens Dahl Pallesen October 23rd, 2003 04:15 PM

Labtop dropping frames
I have tried capturing with my job Toshiba Labtop (I think it's a 1100 Mhz), but after 15 - 20 min. it starts dropping frames. I have 512 Mb memory. I think it's dropping frames because I don't have a separate disk for videodata. Just the 20 Gbyte systemdisk.

Joe Sacher October 23rd, 2003 07:36 PM

I do all my video editing on a laptop. I use external disks for all my video capture and editing. When you are using the system drive for video, the heads must keep seeking back and forth to write video data and perform other OS functions. A small external firewire drive is the answer for a laptop setup.

Tom Singleton October 24th, 2003 07:44 AM

Thanks for all of the reply's. Now all I need to do is decide which laptop to go with (Mac or PC)

Thanks again for all your help.
By the way, any comments on the laptop would be great! As a church I want to make sure we invest in something good that will do the job.


Tom Singleton

Agus Casse November 2nd, 2003 07:37 PM

I use a satellite pro, with 512 Ram and a firewire card in those laptop slots (dunno whats its name) and it runs perfectly, i have capture more than 30 mnis with no problem and that card costed me 99 bucks...

Barry Gilbert November 2nd, 2003 07:53 PM

Where did you buy that card. I have been looking for one. Is it only one port?

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