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Hagop Matossian October 4th, 2003 03:15 AM

TRV900 - computer won't recognise it over Firewire

have borrowed a TRV900 for a project, as it was shot on Maxell tapes and I only put sony's in my xm-2

trouble is, the computer and the cam refuse to see each other. I have gone to menu > others > DV editing and when i plug the camera into computer via firewire, 'dv editing' changes from 'not ready' to 'ready' for about a second, then goes back to not ready. This tells me the camera is seeing the computer, just refusing to cooperate!!!!!

I though there might be a menu setting to activate the port but there doesn't seem to be.

Have tried capturing in Premiere and premiere just doesn't see any DV device.

If anyone has any suggestions please share!! I'd rather not have to put MAxell tapes in my Canon baby!! I'm on a PC running winXP, Pentium 4, 2Ghz, 512 Mb DDR ram. Premiere 6.5

thanks alot!! I'll be back in an hour and I pray for some solutions!!!

Ed Smith October 4th, 2003 08:28 AM


I use a Sony TRV900 and have had no problems when connecting it to my Premiere workstation.

Make sure you turn the camera on before opening up Premiere. Win XP normally detects it, with a message that pops up on the taskbar.

Check to see whether windows movie maker sees it.

Check that the device control in Premiere is set to DV devices 2.0 and that you have selected the make 'Sony' and model to 'generic'

Check to see whether any of these work first,

All the best,


Kenn Jolemore October 4th, 2003 09:37 AM

Any luck yet ? Please post a follow up and let us know if you got it working and if so what it took . If not post what happened so we might be of assistance.

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