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Peter Jefferson September 5th, 2003 05:18 AM

Your Impressions on Pinnacle Impression Pro
okies, just wondering what peoples thoughts are on this app.
Apparently it supports AC3 5.1 files, as well as multiple audio streams (ie commentary)

I was wondeirng what else it has on offer?
As im seriously considering a switch over from DVD Architect

Can i set an animation after a button is pressed? like some commercially available DVD's? Or does it just jump to the point where i want to go?

What about multiple files??
Can i only import 1 mp2 and 1 ac3, or can i have a series of mpg2's and ac3s and string them together?

Any thoughts or impressions (pardon the pun) would be greatly appreciated

Ed Smith September 5th, 2003 02:59 PM


It might also be worth looking at the sonic range of authoring software.

Reel DVD - Motion menus, multiple audio and sub titles, MPG and AC-3 etc etc etc.

Producer - All the above with even more added features including animated buttons.

I use Reel DVD LE and it is a very nice product, and does most things I want to do.


All the best,


PS it might be good i a moderator moves this to the DVD/ Web forum.

Peter Jefferson September 6th, 2003 12:51 AM

thanx for the feedback, i tried reel dvd once.. but didnt have the patience for it im afraid...

as i do ALOT of dvd projects, i need somethign that i can easily pick up and do a full menu within half an hour.

Ill look into it again

reading thru the specs, it says it can convert to dolby, however i do not want to do this, as all i need to do is import a 5.1 Dolby Digital AC3 file, but i can see if this app supports it....

Any ideas?

thanx again!

Ed Smith September 6th, 2003 06:50 AM

It only mentions dolby digital stereo and other stereo formats on their website - However looking in the help file of Reel DVD LE it says it supports Dolby digital AC-3, 48KHz, stereo and 5.1 ch.

You are right that you need patiences, but I sat down with the demo to begin with for half a day and I managed to pick it up pretty quick.

What I like about it is that you can see where each menu, video or title are linked. Also becuase it has the same feel as Scenarist a very high level authoring tool, it will make it easier if I ever wish to upgrade that far.



Peter Byram September 10th, 2003 02:21 AM

Have a look at the shareware offering on www.mediachance.com called DVDLAB. I've found it straightforward to use with plenty of features. Unfortunately there is a bug that spoils it for PAL use at the moment.

Rob Lohman September 10th, 2003 03:28 AM

Keep in mind that not all program support everything. A lot of
programs support multiple audio & subtitle tracks. To my knowledge
only three support angles:

1. Impression-Pro (max 2 angles I believe)

2. SpruceUp DVD Meastro (no longer available)

3. Sonic Scenarist (high end expensive product)

Only scenarist comes with an AC3 encoder I believe. But if you've
got Vegas+DVD you already have an AC3 encoding availability

Julian Luttrell September 10th, 2003 09:55 AM

Impression - beware!
I bought and TRIED to use Impression. Honestly, I tried and I tried! But it's shot through with bugs.

Oh, it's Pinnacle again isn't it? ;^)



Jami Jokinen September 10th, 2003 11:33 PM

After trying to find a reasonably priced authoring program with multiple audio streams and subtitles I got Impression DVD pro.

Making menus and subtitles is not easy and requires external programs (e.g. Photoshop for menus). But the basic authoring, navigation etc. is quite easy and I haven't found any notorious bugs yet.

And I found a way to make the subtitle creation a lot easier. A few freeware programs helped with this.

If I would have had the money, I would have gone for Reel DVD. But I didn't. Impression works, but makes you work also.

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