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Joseph Aurili February 28th, 2006 05:34 PM

Gary, I don't know if I will be able to post more clips any time soon. The camera seems to over expose easily. I was trying to get the right exposure in the shots posted. I have tried all auto, manual, shutter priority, and aperture priority. Perhaps the exposure adjustment needs be turned down some? Or perhaps it is the latitude of the CCD?

Gary Gowman February 28th, 2006 05:45 PM

Free download for anyone for Vegas6 and DVDA. It works for 2 or 4 weeks (don't remember) at full power.



Gary Gowman February 28th, 2006 05:47 PM

I understand. It probably needs to be set in Full Manual because the other modes always sets one area automatically over another. Iris and speed. I am sure we "all" appreciate everything you have done so far for the forum. :-)


Graham Jones February 28th, 2006 06:00 PM

Yeah, well done Joseph.

We'd have much less of a perspective, if not for your tests.

Gary, I've e-mailed you.

Gary Gowman February 28th, 2006 06:02 PM

Graham, uploading two clips now. Will email you when done.

I thought someone mentioned the first two clips posted of the baby in the park and the kid with ice cream were not shot with the Sanyo?? Anyone know the truth, or have all posted clips been shot with what is being sold to the public?


Graham Jones February 28th, 2006 06:15 PM

Looks like authentic HD1 footage to me - but admittedly I haven't seen enough HD1 footage to be sure.

The shot of the child is on a tripod and it has been carefully set manually which sort of transforms it. Maybe that's why people are doubtful. I suspect it's the cam being used right and it just looks great..

Having said that, I remember that when Sony's first HDV cam was at a show, they had HD sample footage playing on a screen which wasn't shot with the camera! The model camera they had at the show was just that - an empty model. Presumably they weren't ready to shoot test footage.

Someone asked why the footage wasn't from the cam and were told it was because it was test footage.

Peter Solmssen February 28th, 2006 09:02 PM

There are more interesting HD1 clips on a Japanese site. One I found very interesting is at http://arena.nikkeibp.co.jp/rev/2006...7/sany0041.mp4
Notice the very small people walking at the top of the background wall. Tell me this isn't better than DV!

Like any new technology, it has its pluses and minuses, and they show on the clips at this site.

Marc Louis February 28th, 2006 09:34 PM

THANX FOR THAT file...is it the heat or what all this blurr above the water and all over the video ??

where can i download other of this type of file ??

i tried to go to the main page of the site where this video was but as i don't read japanese i couldn't find anything

at least if u give me a link to a forum then i will locate the .mp4 extension links to download files


Peter Solmssen March 1st, 2006 03:47 AM

The site with thumbnails you can click for the files is at:

You can get a crude translation by using the google toolbar and clicking "translate this page".

I found this site by setting the google preferences to search for Sanyo HD1 on sites in Japanese, then clicking "translate this page" next to the citation.

Steven Mingam March 1st, 2006 08:03 AM

The problem with the mp4 files from the Sanyo HD1 for editing is not that they are mp4 (the container), editing softwares could handle that pretty easily, it's that they use mpeg4 compression technology, and that's a problem ! It means that the video use an intra/inter frame compression scheme (you're lucky, no bidirectional predicted-frame here) and unlike mpeg2, this scheme is not fixed. I.e, you can have like 200 frames depending on one. And that's a problem for editing because you can't cut that I-frame without reencoding the whole file.

The best way to edit those HD1 files is to decompress them to an I-frame only, lossless codec, like HuffYUV, put them in an AVI container, and do like you always do (you will need 15Mo/s for the video tough)...
MP4 is a great technology advancement, it's just not suitable (and designed) for editing purpose (and the HD1 is sure not designed for that too.)

Btw, for Graham and Marc :
i found another tool to transcode mp4 to AVI file, in a more intuitive way : http://mp4ui.sourceforge.net/
Right click on the track you want to export and use ... export :)
Still one file at time tough.

Lynne Whelden March 1st, 2006 08:12 AM

apple to the rescue?
Can anyone comment on how imovieHD handles this compressed mpeg4 footage?

Luc-Henri Barthelemy March 1st, 2006 01:24 PM

Apple IMovie HD
A previous message ....

Originally Posted by Luc-Henri Barthelemy
I am using Apple hardware.
I put (drag and drop) all the Sanyo, Joseph & Co mp4 Clips into Imovie HD 5 (720p setting), exported the project to IDVD (Pal setting), and I got a playable PAL SD DVD (1 hour later on my PB G4 1.5). The quality is comparable to regular DVDs.
Here are the VOB features : mpeg-2, 720x576, 8000 kbps, 25 fps.


Lynne Whelden March 1st, 2006 01:30 PM

Yes, but did he actually edit the material?

Graham Jones March 1st, 2006 02:26 PM

Thanks for the guidance Marc!

Have just opened the kid with the ice-cream in Vegas.


Then rendered...

SAVE AS TYPE: Video for Windows (AVI)

TEMPLATE: HDV 720-25p intermediate

It looks great. Not perfect, but very good and still at same size etc.

Sonic DVDit 6 subsequently has no problem accepting it as part of a PAL DVD project.


Luc-Henri Barthelemy March 1st, 2006 02:31 PM

IMovie HD
Yes, you can add usual transitions, effects, music, swap the clips etc... I did not test the cuts (they used to be tricky with mp4, and the avaliable clips are short) but I shall do.


PS the cut works well ..

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